Fresher than a Freshman

Nick _
Design Computing
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2017

For a majority of the 1st week I trudged through a sea of unknowns, all beaming with unusually content smiles. Whilst I sat back, anxious, confused and entirely out of place. From a simple 10 minute leisurely stroll to school; now to a fully fledged hour and a half drag through interweaving streets and indistinguishable buildings, all overshadowing the minority with the same business like masquerade. I was far out of my comfort zone. The joy of such a simple rhythmic routine has altered into an arduous journey across half of Sydney.

Despite this, a strong bond between the Computational Design students, or as we all prefer to go by, the CoDe students, has allowed for an easy transition into University life. Uncovering the locations of classes has been bewildering and allowed me to become quite comfortably acquainted with the Campus during unavailing strolls in hopes to find the lecture rooms before they commence. Finally finding my place in the lecture room, the lecture does not make anything simpler. The theorems and content becoming more complex as the minutes pass, I find myself contemplating if I will ever wrap my thoughts around this. The tutorials finally came around and began piecing content together such as learning the basics of Python and what variables, Booleans and all the rest mean in logical sense. With the aid of many friends, ‘Trinket’ became a breeze as I learned how to construct the letter of my first name and of course, test out every other instrument that was offered in an attempt to understand it as best I could.

All in all, creating a week similar to that of the fluctuating weather of Sydney.

