PULL — CODE1161_wk13

Shelda Kristie
Design Computing
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2017

Pull request. Open data project and week 13.

On pull request.

So, since Tom is doing my pull request changes and Guy is doing Tom’s, I guess it’s only fair if I do Guy’s?

PROBLEM_ONE: Guy did his open data on JavaScript instead of on python, so there’s a problem there. What else could I possibly change from his data?

SOLUTION_ONE: After looking through his interactive data/donut chart, I though I could make the chart colour blind proof. After a few research, keeping red and blue hues and removing the green option from the RGB palette, would be the best way to go. Whether Guy would accept my pull request is another problem. Below are the different iterations on how different people with colour blindness see colours.

Common Colour Blindness Chart

Normal Vision




PROBLEM_TWO: When I tried forking Guy’s github (https://github.com/atiredturtle/code1161base), it takes back to Ben’s master code1161base folder since it is under the same folder name.

SOLUTION_TWO: After panicking then decided to watch Ben’s video on pull request, this is what I learnt. You can download the file, edit it on atom, open Guy’s (or who ever you want to do a pull request on) github page, select the same file, click edit, and copy past your code from atom to github.com. Then, you do a pull request from there. VOILA! Don’t forget to actually press the pull request button.

PROBLEM_THREE: Now to accepting a pull request. So Tom (https://github.com/tomwyb/code1161base) made a graph for me for my open data project. Here’s the problem, I can’t see his pull request on my github page on my desktop. Knowing this presentation is due tomorrow, panic. ARGHH!!

SOLUTION_THREE: Somehow, I can see his pull request on my github page on my phone, but not on my laptop. So, what I did was accept it on my phone, refreshed my github page on my laptop and pulled it on my laptop. Maybe there is an actual way to do this, but as long as it is working. I’m happy.

On Open Data.

Since I am basically done with my open data project since two weeks ago, all I did was just beautify my presentation the day before the presentation. This is what I learnt with beautifying your presentation.

On jupyter notebook presentation mode.

Basically, just install these lines on your terminal:
pip install RISE
jupyter-nbextension install rise --py --sys-prefix
jupyter-nbextension enable rise --py --sys-prefix
and if you don't have permission to make changes on your terminal, add sudo in front of it.

On importing image to jupyter notebook as a markdown.


from IPython.display import ImageImage(filepath = "cute_cat.png")


from IPython.display import ImageImage(url= "http://my_site.com/my_picture.gif")

On writing notes in a markdown cell.

New cell → press m → press either 1, 2 or 3 (where one means big font, and 3 means smaller font) → type your message after # → ctrl + enter

On presentation.

I hate presentations.

