Week 10 — The Exam

Stephen Karahalias
Design Computing
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2017

This is the one thing I wasn’t going to like out of this course because I love having unlimited time to do things and not being put under pressure, but guess it helps us see where we are.

Where do I begin… oh well for starters this was a surprise because I actually found out on the day that we had an exam. This wasn’t planned to be told on the day, it was actually put in slack from what I was told a week beforehand. Problem was I was typing in the wrong password so I didn’t have any access to slack in that period of time. Anyway, the exam… dreadful, detrimental, any word that says I didn’t do very well! There were multiple tests that made up the open book exam… OPEN BOOK AND I STILL DIDN’T DO WELL!!! The first two tests were quite simple and got through them in a matter of minutes and then came the dreadful fizz buzz. The Great Ben once said that the rumor was that if you can complete the fizz buzz, you are a true coding specialist, something along those lines… After trying for so long to crack the code, I was almost complete and I was told to put the code into a list, however I was still stuck unfortunately. As a result, I didn’t notice how short on time I was and tried to rush through the other tests but there was no use, I was destroyed by the fizz buzz. Down below was my response to the fizz buzz.

Lesson learned is that I guess I’m not yet at the stage of being that “coding specialist”, but sooner rather than later I hopefully will be by working just that little extra harder. And to store my passwords as well…

