[Week 11] Around the World, Around the World, Around the World

Design Computing
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2017

In the lecture today we started looking into the application of python into grasshopper. This was an interesting change in the course from what we normally do. It was pretty straight forward at first but then I couldn’t see anything (should probably have moved closer) so I struggled a bit. Luckily Ben uploaded some notes to the course outline.

In terms of progression of data project — I wouldn’t say I have progressed, rather restarted. I decided to swap to a new data set, the Billboard Top 100. I found it to be of my interest since I enjoy music a lot and the different things you could look into with it were pretty interesting.

Some of the things I was considering after seeing the data set was looking into repetition of words, amount of words, frequency of artists and their origin and hopefully will find some other links to look at in regards. I was looking around and found someone who looked at the songs in terms of beats, frequency and all, so maybe that would be an option.

