Week 9 1161

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Design Computing
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2017

Again refocusing back into the uni life/ term, we were introduced to the Open Data project. A project where we just select a data set of our own choice and then present it via coding and visualizing. At first, this really shook me as i was still incredibly weak for coding.

Our Lecturer’s advice was “choosing what we are passionate about”. I wasn’t very sure of what I would choose but the Opal system sounds nice and neat, and since some of my friends are doing it too, i could get some help potentially.

I have stopped learning from the ‘solo learn’ app for now, and have tried tackling with the exercises again with the help of my peers. finally begin to catch up with all the work once again.

Opal dataset: https://data.nsw.gov.au/app/opal-travel

