Week 9

Mu Yang Liu
Design Computing
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2017

Today in lab, I was thinking how to present my data set and what will be my point. To do with this, I need to analysis my data set first and understand what information does it have. I found the resource of my data set and looked at the guide.

My data set tells the attrition rate of people in different of groups in different years from 2005–2013. It includes disability, culture background, economic condition, courses students study and so on. It goes into details. From these items, I can find out which will be the most effective factor for people leaving high education. By reading this, It creates an image in my mind that what my data is telling. It inspire me a lot for my further processing of analysis my data set.

Then I get started writing in my jupyter notebook, and also started learning how to write these codes.

