Testing AR games on mobile phone

Sol Cutrera
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2017


Testing AR game apps on mobile device, to investigate what is effective and what doesnt work. Could not test VR games due to lack of access to a headset. Games tested:

Ghost Snap:

Aim: find 5 clues around your environment and keeping a ghost away from you so it doesnt kill you.

  • The game works best in a dark environment and headphones for surrounding sound. It automatically turns on the phone torch


  • Engaging
  • Keeps you entertained until the ghost kills you
  • Creates a haunting effect in your environment, where the way to access the ‘paranormal’ is through the phone
  • Sound effects and intentional screen mishaps gave it a truly imersive feeling that there could be something haunting the room
  • Frightening experience motivates you to tell and show other people the game


  • Might be too frightening for people to repeat the experience

Bee Ready:

Aim: avoid getting stung by the bees by aiming and shooting at them


  • Easy interface and handling
  • By only having the bees coming from 180° rather than 360°, it is less dizzying to play as you dont have to constantly fully turn around but rather move only upper torso
  • Simple concept and engaging


  • As the amount of bees increase it gets very hectic and could cause injury to a bystander
  • Gets very overwhelming towards higher levels, causing the player to want to stop
  • Bees sometimes gets lost/camouflaged with the players environment

Warp Runner:

Aim: navigate player to destination box


  • Very cool concept by manipulating real enviroment on the device
  • Good graphics
  • Engaging
  • Used any rectangular paper to align to flat surface


  • If moved phone too quick or accidentally move finger over camera, game stops and have to re align
  • Sometimes the environment manipulator wouldnt work
  • Had to hold phone relatively steady

