Post Processing Volumes in Unreal Engine 4

Jason Vorapatrakul
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2017

One thing I’ve grown to be quite fond of in UE4 is the Post Process Volume, found in the Visual Effects section of the Modes tab. As the name suggests, this generates a box which you can use to encompass an area, with the ability to tweak lens effects as well as tone and colour grading.

Color Grading and Look Up Tables

Settings for the LUT

The Lookup Table can be dragged into Photoshop, be adjusted with Color Balancing or Levels/Curves, resaved and then imported into UE4. After changing the ‘Mip Gen Settings’ to NoMipmaps and ‘Texture Group’ to ColorLookupTable, you can now drag the adjust table into your post-process volume to grade your scene.

Original RGB Table (Left) vs Flatgrade Adjustment (Right)


Another instance in which the Post Process volume came in handy came as the solution to achieving a fade to black effect. While this is achievable through UE4’s Matinee tools, it didn’t quite achieve the effect I wanted; not only would the entire screen fade to black, including the flickering lights I intended to keep visible, but I didn’t want players to lose control over the character as we teleport them to a different area.


