Rhino/Grasshopper > Flux > Dynamo/Revit workflow with adaptive components

Catherine Erzetic
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2017

20/04/17 — Individual Exploration

I wanted to play around with adaptive components and how we can make the file automatically update in Flux without having to manually press “update”, as I explored in an earlier post.

The first part of the workflow begins with;

1. Rhino + Grasshopper TO Flux

The image above shows my process of creating a simple loft and how changes made are almost instantly received by Flux. It took maybe a couple of seconds (or less) until the change occurred on Flux, but this time may depend on your computer.

2. Flux TO Dynamo + Revit

I then moved to receiving data from Flux into Dynamo.

Setting up the workflow for receiving data through Flux from Rhino and Grasshopper

Live Changes between Rhino / Grasshopper > Revit / Dynamo

Live changes — Rhino on the left and Dynamo on the right
Live changes — Rhino on the left and Revit on the right

What I think…

Based on this workflow study, I believe it worked out really well and works smoothly. I like how quick the changes are between platforms. The scripting itself to set up the workflow was simple and can be added to and developed with further testing.

Where to next…

  • Further develop and add to this workflow and test more complex geometries — and the final pavilion form.
  • Add to the workflow and reverse it — expanding into Excel, and feeding that data back into Flux then into Grasshopper/Rhino+Revit/Dynamo etc.
  • Look into Flux Flow point components

