Catherine Erzetic
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2017

11/05/17 — Group Redirection

Today we explored a new way of approaching the pavilion project as our original direction was a bit out of focus. We are now aiming towards shaping a vision of what we would like to achieve using BIM in an ideal world.


It all began with Monday’s lecture by Zac Kron who brought up Project Quantum (a multidisciplinary system that enhances collaboration). Inspired by the concept, we thought out possible ways in which this could reshape our own current strategies. Project Quantum follows the ideal BIM environment where everything would be stored within a cloud, meaning that data does not have to be moved between software. Ultimately, its aim is to simply remove all interoperability barriers of collaboration. It also enables information-sharing with other environments in real time, while reducing the number of applications which generate design content, and replace them with many web-based applications.

But of course, Project Quantum is still in the works by Autodesk so we can only dream of the possibilities! In our project we would like to apply similar concepts used in Project Quantum, but at a smaller scale.

We started with this idea,

  • Which groups identify within each of these categories?
  • How do they contribute to each area?
  • How do they collaborate?

and so on…

The flowchart we created was based around “Strategies”, those of which we would implement to improve what is currently happening within each of the areas in the project.

First it was agreed that we need to understand what groups are doing NOW in order to propose recommended strategies. This can be achieved by first following this workflow of inquiring > understanding > recommending > implementing.

Inquire — to know specifically WHAT the group is doing, HOW the group is doing it, WHY they are doing it.

Understanding — to understand the purpose behind a groups experimentation

Recommending — involves researching what is existing in the industry and seeing how it could be applied at a smaller scale AND comparing this to what would be ideal, with no limits as to what is possible

Implementing — seeing our recommendations being carried out within the pavilion project. Gaining feedback and reviewing the positives and the negatives behind the strategy, how could it be improved?

And also on documentation, WHAT should be documented and HOW should it be documented. This in particular is what we need to study more in depth, to identify particular strategies that are already used in the industry that we can recommend to groups to improve their current workflows. Even proposing strategies that would be ideal, but not yet possible right now would be great in terms of exploration.

We believe that everyone needs to understand WHAT, WHY and HOW each group is approaching the pavilion project in order to improve our collaboration. As if there are any problems, they know specifically who they can go to for help.

For more information on Project Quantum, I recommend reading this article:

