Week 2

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Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2017

Day 08: MON 06 MAR 2017

After discussion and receiving feedback from our coach, we’ve started to look into “Flux” a live sharing platform that sends and receives data between existing design tools/software. I’ve further investigate into some of the advantages and disadvantages of this live platform.


  • Its free
  • Share data across variety of software’s
  • A link in creating a live platform between different software’s


  • Only two project are allowed for the free student version
  • Being new, means that there’s still very little information about it

Day 11: THUS MAR 2017

After a brief research into Flux, I’ve started looking more towards how flux link with different software’s and how can it be used in our pavilion project.

This is just a small example of wanting to test the power of flux and making Revit a central platform to everything.

