Week 5: Pavilion Design Exploration

Montanna Green
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2017

Firstly, I began to look at existing pavilions, to see if I can take certain aspects of it and make it in dynamo or Grasshopper.

All of the images where found on pinterest after searching ‘Architectural Pavilion’.

I like the first pavilion/building as it incorporates fabric, and the second as it is simplistic yet beautiful. I want to experiment with dynamo to see if I can replicate the second design, and see if I can grow my design pavilion from there.

This is just the basic shape/design of the above pavilion. If the group was to select this design it would have to be developed much further before Monday next week to be a suitable design.

I worked on this design as I thought the image looked really cool and could be created into something more interesting. After working on this script, I’ve realized its actually extremely simple, and if this was chosen I’m worried feedback would be we have not done enough exploration into dynamo.

I submitted this to the CODE group and no one replied. So I assume they all feel the same way, which is completely understandable.

The first design is interesting as it splits three ways and appears to meet in the center. This is something I could incorporate into another iteration. I recreated the main structural elements (the fork) and then begin to play with this basic shape when my computer crashed (and the document wasn’t saved…lesson learnt)

I recreated what I was working on earlier and that is pictured below.

I wanted it to import into Revit and then export it rhino, so I could work on the material roof in Kangaroo. I created the three separate shapes into a list, then flattened it and then imported it by geometry and I ended up with this…

This is obviously not correct and something I need to look into.

I want to look into dynamo more and see if there is something more I can do in terms of design as the two images above are not acceptable in my eyes. For now I have to move onto the Karamba aspect of the pavilion but I do want to come back to this in my own time.

I had so much I wanted to do in terms of design, but just didn’t have the time (one day) or knowledge to execute it.

