Week 9 (Part3): HoloLens Progress

Nissie Bungbrakearti
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2017

Due to Dom and I being so heavily involved in the new design and Grasshopper process, we felt that we didn’t have much of an opportunity to develop our own groups work. Even on Saturday when we met for both HoloLens and Design work, we became engulfed in the design as it needed to be done by Monday. However, we did manage to spend some time discussing how we want to progress our idea and what we wanted to be able to do for Monday, even if it was a little bit of progress.

Here is a list of things we wanted to achieve, either by Monday or by submission:

  • We decided that we needed to get the “tap to place” holograms working so that we could determine where the holograms would appear in a space.
  • Place sound in the experience. This includes selection sounds, transition sounds and ambient sounds.
  • Develop the holographic models. Make it more realistic to give it more context to the situation
  • Record the voice over. This would require a microphone from BECU to be acquired.
  • Map holographic content on to pavilion walls so that it is more immersive.

I decided to do the modelling for Monday as I am very comfortable with 3DS Max and it wouldn’t take too long.

I was asked to model a head, the kidneys, hypothalamus and pituitary glands, while Dom took on the brain.

My usual method for low poly modelling is to start off with a simple geometry such as a sphere or cylinder and use its vertices to change its shape. First I delete half of the polygons so I am able to do the same amount of work in half the time. I then mirror the geometry to make a complete shape.

This is the final result of the head.

The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland were then modelled. These were very simple as it was just made from a simple default geometry. The shape that was used was the Hedra in the Extended Primitves drop down menu.

Final result of both the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland

To create the kidneys I took a different approach. I started off with a plane that was segmented into difference subdivisions. Using Edit Poly and the Vertices tool, I then selected individual vertices and moved them so that they resembled the shape of a kidney.

Once I was happy with the shape I then started to pull them outward. I only pulled them in one direction as you can see in the image below. This is so I can mirror the geometry and have a final form.

The half kidney was then mirror on the z axis and copied so that the entire original geometry wouldn’t be mirrored. In doing this I have created one whole kidney, however there are two. To make a second I then mirrored the geometry again in the y axis with an offset value that distanced it far enough from the original model.

Final kidney models


If you would like to look at our presentation and the progress we made as a group, click here.

