4 Easy Ways to Practice Mindful Meditation

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3 min readNov 6, 2019

When it comes to mindful meditation, it’s all about learning how to pay attention to the breath as it flows in and out, and notice when the mind wanders from the relevant activity. This specific practice can help build the muscles of attention and mindfulness by focus training. Specifically, during this day and age, we’ve become too stimulated by outside factors like social media and a fast-paced environment, that meditation and ‘taking it slow’ has been forgotten.

Learn to take it slow and sharpen your focus skills by learning what mindful meditation is all about:

Make Mindfulness A Habit

About 95% of our behavior are natural responses that can be defined as running on ‘autopilot’. That’s because we already have connected neural networks that enable intentional actions, motivation, and decision-making. Yet, when it comes to such functions, it takes practice for these relevant systems to work with little to no effort.

Every time we engage in new behavior, we stimulate something called neuroplasticity, a grey matter full of new neurons that have not yet been programmed to act on ‘autopilot’. In order to train and rewire these neurons, we must practice the behavior persistently. In this case, taking the time to practice mindfulness every day will create a firm habit and stimulate the neurons to start working on their own.

Bottom line, set meditation reminders, work on your discipline and make sure to avoid procrastination when building this new habit!

Focus on Breathing

When it comes to focus and becoming mindful of every meditative moment, it’s crucial to concentrate on breathing patterns. To start, find a comfortable sitting position and a calm area where you can be the least distracted. Set serious intentions to focus solely on your breathing, and any unwelcoming thought should be accepted and drift away.

To maximize focus, it’s best to close your eyes, breathe through your nostrils and feel your chest rise and fall. After you’ve found the right and comfortable breathing point, allow your breath to follow its natural depth and speed, until it gradually slows and deepens to your calmest potential.

Accept the Wandering Mind

It’s no secret most of us are always accepting or rejecting thoughts. This is a natural way your brain functions, where the conscious and unconscious mind interacts with each other for stimulation. This function can make it more difficult to meditate or reach mindfulness, as irrelevant thoughts can hinder complete serenity.

The best way to handle unwelcoming thoughts is by first accepting them and learning to let them go without too much tension. It’s important to remain objective and not obsess over over the content of thoughts you find yourself lost in. Simply accept and come back to comfortable breathing and focus points.

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Stay Persistent

Persistence is key to everything in life, especially when it comes to new changes. When trying to build new habits, it’s crucial to set reminders and to set a specific (unforgiving) time to practice mindful meditation. Recreating a new routine and sticking to it in the first 30 days will help reinforce the brain and rewire neurons to reach full autonomy.

Last but not least, diet and supplements can be very helpful for a healthy balance. Codeage’s Life is a synergistic blend of high-grade vitamins and herbal extracts rooted in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This blend can help support numerous systems in the body including the production of red blood cells. When it comes to taking care of your mind and body, mindfulness and taking the right high-quality supplements are everything.



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