5 Ways to Promote Kidney Health

Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019

Without most of our organs functioning properly, it would be quite difficult to manage a happy life. High blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of kidney conditions puts you at an increased risk for developing kidney issues. But even if you’re not in a high-risk category, it’s important to take preventative measures to avoid any problems in the future.

Here are a few things you can do to make sure your kidneys are intact:

Hydrate, But Not Too Much

Contrary to the famous belief that no studies have been proven that over-hydration can hurt your kidneys, overdoing it will not make your kidneys function any better. It is important, however, to drink at least six glasses a day to ensure your kidneys are constantly working to rid your body of toxic fluids.

The smarter you hydrate, meaning not drinking too much or too little, the better shape your kidneys will be. If you have trouble setting a target or meeting your goals, try to set up some reminders on your phone to reach for that extra cup of water or to keep refilling your water bottle at work.

A Better Attempt at Eating Healthy

Most kidney problems and most other health issues arise from malnutrition or not feeding our bodies the proper foods. Eating junk, fried, or fatty foods increases our risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which in turn affect all the other organs.

Because of this domino effect, it’s crucial to follow healthy eating habits to control weight and to keep our blood pressure at a constant. A good way to start strengthening a healthier lifestyle is by using better choices when it comes to snacking. For example, instead of going for a chocolate bar, try a chewy or protein bar instead. As an alternative for artificial snacks like gummy bears or chips, go for some mixed nuts.

Changing our diet doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy food anymore. It just means switching it up a bit and finding what tastes better from healthier choices. We don’t know about you but we absolutely love a bowl of organic blueberries or sliced apples with peanut butter for a snack!

Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker (no judgment), we just want to make sure you’re aware of the consequences. Smoking damages your body’s blood vessels and can lead to slower blood flow throughout the body and your kidneys.

Smoking can also put your kidneys at a much higher chance of developing cancer. If you stop smoking, even gradually, your risk of developing such diseases drops significantly (just saying). Though we understand it’s difficult to break bad habits, it will be way more worth it in the long run and your kidneys will absolutely thank you.

Chill with the OTC Medication

For an occasional headache or back pain, Advil is everyone’s choice and we get it. But when it becomes way too frequent and you’re choosing OTC over just battling it out, things can get complicated. It’s important that you’re not too dependent or reliant on medication as this can negatively affect your kidneys in the long-run.

Common over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and naproxen are often used for pain management and should only be taken when really necessary. We say this because using alternatives like a heating pad for stomach pain, or using ointments to treat back pain can go a long way and don’t require any kidney intervention.


Learn More

Speaking of alternatives, try taking some beef kidney instead of medication. Codeage’s grass-fed Beef Kidney supplement contains kidney-specific peptides and micronutrients to help support its health. With such premium quality and critical minerals, it will be way easier to prevent any kidney malfunction and promote healthier living!

Browse more of our collection today.



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Codeage aims to provide the most advanced and intelligent nutritional food supplements to help achieve a longer, better and healthier life.