Why Multivitamins are Daily Essentials for Everyone

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3 min readDec 27, 2019

Yes, we’re able to get our nutrients from fruits and vegetables, but what about the bad days where we can’t keep up? When we don’t absorb a daily dose of fruits and vegetables, we miss crucial nutrients that can eventually lead to lower risks of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and many other health conditions. When it comes to getting your daily nutritional value, it’s important to keep up with your body’s demands. The best way to do that? Welcome to multivitamins.

Here’s what you need to know:

What is A Multivitamin?

Think of a multivitamin as your personal insurance policy, a daily assurance to make sure your body gets the right vitamins and minerals it thrives on. Specifically if you have any deficiencies you’re not aware of, like a deficiency in vitamin D if you’re not into the sun, taking a multivitamin can replenish your body.

Heart Health

Studies have shown that taking a high-quality multivitamin can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and other heart conditions. Statistically, heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in both men and women in the U.S. Most of these issues are linked to varying levels of vitamins B1, B2, B6, K1, CoQ10, and Niacin, also known as B3.

Since heart conditions occur so often and can become a serious health concern, it’s crucial to incorporate multivitamins into your daily routine, and include other forms of healthy habits like engaging in cardio or other exercises meant to strengthen the heart.

Reducing Risks of Cancer

This is a big one. The use of vitamins has been associated with a decrease of some cancers and have shown to be an overall beneficial component of health. A recent study of 14,000 men in the age of 50 and older found that “taking a daily multivitamin significantly reduced the risk of total cancer.” Can we say wow?

When it comes to reducing rates of certain diseases, specifically cancer, it can be as easy as popping in a high-quality supplement with your meal. Don’t fight the science, and find yourself a good brand that will give you just what you need.

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Immunity Boost

It really all comes down to immunity when we think about it. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant known for promoting a strong immune system and keeping diseases at bay. While vitamin C has always been correlated with an incredible power to balance out our immune system, vitamin D and E boost immunity, too. Do you know what supplement has it all? A multivitamin.

By incorporating the right multivitamin into your diet, you’ll be getting exactly what you need without having to worry about how many apples or oranges you’ve had for the day. Reduce allergic reactions and boost your immunity with one single dose.

Feel Better

Thanks to the all-powerful vitamin B complex, or vitamin B family, we now know the source of where we can get increased energy, and a way to resolve stress and anxiety. Taking a multivitamin that encompasses all of the vitamin B branches like B12 and B6, we can feel better, more relieved after a long day, and overall energetic.

When it comes to your health, it’s important to know which brand can keep up with the demands of a high-quality multi-vitamin. Codeage has long been formulating premium quality ingredients and combining them into the perfect supplements. Whether you’re a teenager, a woman, or man, get your daily multivitamin today.



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Codeage aims to provide the most advanced and intelligent nutritional food supplements to help achieve a longer, better and healthier life.