Android versions distribution & market share

Code & Pepper
Code & Pepper
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2016

While preparing a project for mobile application it happens quite often that we don’t know if Android system should be included or not, and if yes — what version?

With the aim of helping all founders and product managers to make that decission easier, we have prepared a simple infographic showing data for global market share of Android system and also market share for different versions of Android.

It’s usually a good idea to check clear data or any other references before the project starts as this will save you time and money during the implementation process. Your developer will most likely ask detailed questions about system versions that are required for your application. You should also keep your target group in mind while checking most popular Android devices in the market.

The below infograpics show global market share and the differences between various regions like the US, the EU countries or China. There is also some useful information about most popular versions in the market. Thanks to this data you will know that system version from 4.0 to 6.0.1 is used by 97,4% of the users but version from 5.0 to 6.0.1 is used only by 40,5% of the users.

Enjoy infographic and share it with your friend to help them make the right decission.

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