Fix “Accept the license agreements” issue in Jenkins — Android

Chintan Rathod
Published in
Jul 17, 2017

If you are using Jenkins for Android CI, you might face issue of licence agreement which looks like below.

[SDK Patch Applier v4, Google Repository, Android Support Repository].
Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.

To solve this issue,

Copy your license file in other work space’s Android SDK (i.e. Jenkins)

Open your “Android SDK” directory and search for “licenses” directory. Copy “android-sdk-license” file and paste it in your Jenkins’ “Android SDK” directory.

license file for license agreement jenkins

If you can’t find “licenses” directory, create new one and then paste it.



Chintan Rathod

Sr. Mobile Developer (#AndroidDev) | Kotlin Fan | Writer | Self learner | Blogger :