How to use APK Analyze tool in Android Studio

Chintan Rathod
Published in
Jun 23, 2017

Android studio now provides immediate insight of your APK. Using the APK Analyzer can reduce time to reduce your APK size.

  • Get absolute and relative size of files in the APK
  • View DEX files.
  • Extract APK and check manifest, resources etc

You can analyze APK by below flow.

Select Build > Analyze APK in the menu bar and then select your APK.

Watch this video to understand how you can use this tool to manage your APK size.

I hope you will like this video. If you have any feedback, feel free to comment below: I would be very happy to get suggestions.

Happy Coding!



Chintan Rathod

Sr. Mobile Developer (#AndroidDev) | Kotlin Fan | Writer | Self learner | Blogger :