On the quest to becoming a World Class Developer

Ezekiel Oladejo
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2017

This past week was quite challenging as I started out on the path to becoming a world class developer, but the vision is becoming less blurry.
As someone always staying in comfort zones before last week, it was quite some work having to meet up to deadlines and give reports every day about what you did the previous day and what you have achieved the present day. But I told myself

Hey boy, you gotta do this, give it whatever it takes.

So I moved on. I learned some interesting things about working with Laravel which is a tool I’m using for web development. Well, of course, some people will scoff about this, but I really found it pretty uncomfortable working with the authentication scaffolding of Laravel,

php artisan make:auth

That’s me when I saw that. Lol
I was almost scared that I won’t be able to complete my project because of that but Goodness Toluwanimi Kayode was there to help. He was very instrumental in me sticking to the scaffolding. The previous projects I’ve worked on with Laravel didn’t use that, I wrote the logic of authentication myself. But I must confess, it is really cool using it, everything is done for you “out of the box” including views and routes, I found it very cool

And so I felt like I’ve added some extra power to my “chi” once I came through with that.
Later in the week, I ran into another problem when I was running some migrations. Just kept getting some MySQL-ish error about the length of the string columns I want to create in the database.
And so I was like… “What the heck is this again?”

But then another thread was thrown at me to look at, it’s supposedly going to solve my problem — which it did. I got through that hurdle too.
And then I got this:

I am never going to be alone on this path

Thanks to Vanessa Osuka, I put on this “walking on sunshine” mode and finally completed the task go the week. Well, one thing I enjoy most during the last week? The rush of having to give reports in the evening and making “noticeable” progress with my task.

I believe this week is going to be more productive than the last and I will still move closer to achieving that goal: “Becoming a World Class Developer.” Do not be left out.

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Ezekiel Oladejo

Software engineer building products that make life easier