Why you should learn python

Valentino Ugbala
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017


Learning how to code nowadays can be very stressful and tasking. A lot of time is spent on picking the right programming language to start with. There are so many diverse languages available including C, C++, Java, Brainfuck and even recently there’s Emojicode; yup you guessed right, a language whose syntax is plainly emojis!

As a self taught developer, I have gone through this confusion stage after trying out C, C++ and Java until I met Python and after working with it extensively, I can conclude that Python is a better option for starting out as a programmer. I will briefly talk on some points to back up my previous statement

Simple Syntax

Python is beginner-friendly. Compared to a lot of languages, python has relatively simpler syntax which makes it easier to understand and learn. This is probably why python is popular in primary schools Link and MIT uses it for its undergraduate CS program.


Python can pretty much be used for any project you want to do. Thinking of website development? Django, Flask, Tornado, Web2py have you covered. Thinking of venturing into Data Science? You’re covered with numpy, scipy, matplotlib to mention a few (PS Python is a leading language in the Data Science scene Link). Cyber Security? Internet of Things? Desktop development? Machine Learning? Working with Excel sheets? Python has so many libraries that aid working in these areas.

Open Source and Large Community

Python is open source which means developers are free to work on parts of it that need improvement. It also has a very large community which accounts for the multiple libraries around for achieving different tasks. This also makes it easier to find solutions to problems when you are stuck.


Python is the most popular language right now according to IEEE Spectrum and their ranking is pretty standard. You can learn more about benefits of python here and here. Start using python today and code like a boss!!

