Daisy Mølving — Software Crafter

codebar stories
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2019

Daisy is a software crafter at 8th Light. Having worked as a consultant for a few years she is now pursuing a speciality in design and doing a design apprenticeship at 8th Light .

Daisy is a software crafter at 8th Light. Having worked as a consultant for a few years she is now pursuing a speciality in design and doing a design apprenticeship at 8th Light .

Find Daisy online at:

OverCode | daisymolving

And be sure to check out her awesome 8th Light blog post series on the the fundamentals of design: Fundamentals of Design

What did you want to be growing up?

The first thing I can remember wanting to be was a firefighter. I changed my mind about what I wanted to be every few months though, and was never particularly settled on one thing. I knew I wanted to do something creative, but I wasn’t sure what!

When did your interest in tech start?

I studied fine art at university (a product of not being sure what I wanted to do, so I studied something I enjoyed), and when I came to London five years ago I started tinkering with HTML and CSS to make an art portfolio website. I was instantly hooked! I felt like I had magic powers.

How did you make the transition to being a developer?

I got started with a bootcamp course. It was great, but because it was accelerated I felt I needed to spend more time getting to grips with fundamentals and continued my own studies while working part-time. It was around this time that I started coming to codebar.

What was your first development job?

My first ever development job was a partial disaster. I was attempting to freelance and incredibly inexperienced. The job was to create static website for a small business. The work ended up taking me twice as long as I had estimated, and I felt so guilty that I didn’t charge my client any extra. Once I had finished I realised I had no idea how to deploy the site. I learnt a lot from that experience, and it also motivated me to learn more about DevOps!

What is your favourite thing about being a developer?

I like the constant challenge of solving new problems. It’s occasionally overwhelming, but somehow addictive. I also love working with a bunch of smart people that all come from different programming backgrounds. It seems like everyone gets into programming a different way, and has a different specialty. And as technology moves forward we are all learning constantly. The mindset of constantly learning is something that I enjoy.

How did you get involved with codebar?

I heard about codebar when I was doing the bootcamp course, and started coming after that when I was trying (and sometimes struggling) to learn by myself. At codebar I met Cedric Kisema who was one of the coaches at the time. He is very knowledgable and helpful, and after a while I asked him if he would mentor me. I was at a point in my study where I didn’t know what I should be learning to help me get my first development job. He introduced me to a bunch of invaluable skills and concepts, and later introduced me to 8th Light, which is the software consultancy where I now work.

What are your plans for the future?

I have been working as a software developer for almost two years now, and I am starting to learn more about UX Design and front end development. I am embarking on a second apprenticeship with 8th Light, and once I graduate I will be an official 8th Light Designer. I am looking forward to working with projects at their genesis and understanding user needs, as well as implementing some good-looking (I hope) UI’s.

What advice would you give to aspiring developers?

Although unfamiliar concepts, and environments where you don’t feel experienced, can be terrifying (Imposter Syndrome is alive and well) I think it is important to keep trying and failing as often as possible. Once you’ve messed up a few times, it doesn’t seem so bad, and the things that you learn from those experiences keep you moving forward. I did so many terrible code tests before I got my first job, but each of those code tests made me more prepared for the next.

Also, if you are creating a code portfolio, work on projects that you enjoy and feel passionate about. This will get you noticed by companies that have a similar mindset, and ultimately these are the companies that you will love working with.

What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

If brave = scary + rewarding, then the bravest thing I have ever done is walking the Chemin de Liberté in the Pyrenées mountains by myself a few years ago. I spent a week walking, and saw no-one else on the trail. Sometimes I would go through tiny villages and get stared at because I am not sure that many people walk through very often. I camped in the woods, where there were animal noises in the night. I’d get up super early because of that, but then the sunrises were incredibly beautiful and I’d forget about being afraid. I grew up in New Zealand, learnt bush skills and hiked often, so maybe it was not as irresponsible as it sounds.



codebar stories

codebar is a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running free weekly programming workshops.