From microwave ovens to web development — The story of Árpád Binecz

CodeBerry Success Stories — 2nd episode

CodeBerry Blog
3 min readDec 14, 2017


Árpád Binecz — Bini

Árpád Binecz (Bini) started as an embedded software engineer, worked at a startup, founded his own company and now, with a twist, he’s creating websites as a junior site builder. Enjoy our interview with one of our former students in the second episode of “CodeBerry Success Stories”.

What was your job before you shifted to web development?

I have a degree in electrical engineering. I worked as an embedded software engineer at an automotive company for four years. I also worked at a startup as well as starting my own leisure time managing company that I’ve since sold.

What does an embedded software engineer do?

An embedded software engineer develops circuits, not for computers, but rather for microwaves or cars. These circuits make things happen with a push of a button.

Did your original profession make studying any easier?

Quite a bit, e.g. in algorithmic thinking.

Why did you decide to switch to web development?

First of all, I was really interested in IoT (Internet of Things — ed.) I knew the tools pretty well due to my original profession, but I had no idea how things would appear in a browser. I was curious. After all, I studied to become an engineer because I like understanding things. :)

Secondly, I would like to continue entrepreneurship and this topic seems just right for that: by starting with some unique websites then creating a small digital agency. A lot of people did the same thing in my environment and it looks like an accomplishable and rather cool path to walk.

When you’re asked about your profession, how do you answer?

Depends on who’s asking — someone laic or a friend of mine from tech school. In the first case, I’m an IT newbie. Otherwise, a junior site builder.

What does that mean? How does your typical day pass?

We develop big IT systems at Apertus Kft.; I’m responsible for a small part of that. Keeping it simple: I receive ready designs and turn them into websites. I work on the looks, but for example, a clickable button is not my job.

To be a bit metaphoric, this is how I would describe the site builder profession: it’s a great jumpstart, with a kind of knowledge that sticks fast and makes it possible to stand with two feet on the quaggy ground of web technologies as well as the IT labor market.

Which languages do you use daily?

HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, and Bootstrap. I also used JQuery once. As a site builder, I create the pieces that the lead developer then uses to complete the website.

Do you enjoy your job? :)

Yes. My colleagues are fun. I’m just a little unsatisfied with myself because I feel I could do better and learn faster.

How long did you spend looking for a job?

I left my previous job in June, started studying in July, and was working by the beginning of September. I got an offer through friends.

Did you use anything else than CodeBerry for your studies?

No, only CodeBerry.

Can you give advice to newbies as a former student?

I think it’s worth having an overview of the whole field before choosing a technology and diving deep into that. It’s enough to know the smallest sellable unit thoroughly instead of knowing a little bit of everything. For instance, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS and Bootstrap are a great combo. You can easily become a junior developer with those.

In our “CodeBerry Success Stories” series we chat with our former students who succeeded at finding a job as a developer. If you want to know how, this topic is for you. :)

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CodeBerry Blog

I’m a programming passionate and Computer Science student.