[TODO missing title] Márton

CodeBerry Programming School — Student Stories

CodeBerry Blog
3 min readDec 3, 2017


Márton Radnóczi, Marci is an agronomist specialised in rural development. He’s been passionate about web and mobile related products from day one, finally last year he decided to devote more time to them. He now works at Apertus Ltd. as a site builder.

In the 4th episode of Student Stories, let us take you on a follow-up journey with a former CodeBerry Programming School student.


I live here: Budapest, Hungary
I work here: Apertus Ltd.
Time spent studying with CodeBerry: 6 months
I work with: Oneplus One, PhpStorm, Adobe*

When you’re asked about your profession, how do you answer?

Briefly: I’m a site builder or web developer. I build websites without a function. My task is to convert sketches into a code, so the desired design appears in the browser.

What did you do for a living before you started coding? Did you have any relevant experience in this field?

I worked in finance before I became a project manager in a startup. I’ve never learned to code, I just had an idea of how things worked and what logic they followed.

Why did you decide to start studying web development?

It always appealed to me as a hobby. Time flew by when I started digging into related topics, I felt unstoppable. It was an unmistakable flow experience I’ve never experienced before during work. I liked the thought of doing this full-time. :)

Tell me a little about where you work now, what your duties are. What do you do on a typical day or week?

We develop various size web systems at Apertus Ltd. My role is to create a static page out of a specified design or just simple sketches. Most of the time I get a few pictures that guide my code. I work on numerous projects simultaneously, but normally I focus on just one each day.

How long were you looking for a job? Was it hard to find a place to work?

I searched for 1 week, so I admit it was surprisingly easy. I suspected it would be fast, but not this fast though.

How did you learn programming? What kind of courses, books etc. did you use?

I only enrolled in online courses. First, I tested myself on free materials and then I paid for two that complemented each other. I also watched tutorials on Youtube to gain a deeper insight on some interesting topics.

What did CodeBerry offer you? What was it like to study at our school?

The biggest advantage of CodeBerry is that it gives an overview of the whole process of web development, guiding you step by step through all the different stages. This helps you decide which part of it fits you most.

Do you have any experience, tips or tricks to share with those who are just starting their studies?

Web development has many different areas, it’s worth choosing a few to focus on, and just briefly know the others. If you ever need more, you can always learn it then.

What is the next step for you? What direction are you taking?

I would like to learn as much as possible and bring some of my own ideas to life. I’ve never let go of my agricultural knowledge, it will be exciting to see how it might come together with IT.

In our “CodeBerry Student Stories” series we chat with our students who succeeded at finding a job as a developer.

Would you like to learn how to code? Come and try our first lessons for free at the CodeBerry Programming School.



CodeBerry Blog

I’m a programming passionate and Computer Science student.