Uva 787: Maximum subarray product

Ashish Patel
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2017

PROBLEM link Uva1062
SUBMIT link Uva1062


basic java Programming , ArrayList


  • this problem can’t not be solved by simple datastructure in C/C++ , so we have to use either Java BigInteger or Python
    java solution is provided here.
    Please not there that maximum product is required for consecutive elements only or subarrays.

Python Solution is invited by anyone.


the most simple solution for this problem is to try all possible subarrays and find maximum product of them all.
total number of subarrays in n element arrays is O(n²) so time complexity will be O(n²),
we can also use better O(N) solution based on Kadane’s Algorithm as here at geeksforgeeks.org

we highly recommend you to try writing code your self using above explanation ,
before viewing code….

CODE in Java



Ashish Patel

Big Data Engineer at Skyscanner , loves Competitive programming, Big Data.