Vim Tutorial in 59 Minutes, Part — 1 Basics

Ashish Patel
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2019
  • Vim is a hell of an editor, which has a very steep learning curve, but very efficient when you are done with it.

Starting Editing in Vim

  • editing from command-line
$ vi filename 
  • open a file inside vim, first entering vim using vi command then use :e command
$ vi:e filename

Saving file

  • run following command from normal mode.

Exiting Vim

  • exiting after writing file or you haven’t changed anything
  • exiting without saving changes, changes will be lost

Vim Modes

Vim works on the principle of modality, so it has various modes,

  • Insert mode — want to insert something
  • Normal/command mode — want to run come command
  • Visual mode — can mark some text and then can run some commands over them.

Navigating modes

  • insert mode -> press ‘i’ from normal mode
  • visual mode -> press ‘v’ from normal mode
  • command/normal mode -> press ESC or Ctrl+[ from any other mode

Motion in Vim

  • we can only move in normal/visual mode
motions in Vim
  • Checkout full tutorial on youtube

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Ashish Patel

Big Data Engineer at Skyscanner , loves Competitive programming, Big Data.