Hundred days of code: #100daysofcode once again

Hannan Ali
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2016
Image courtesy of Youtube Video Thumbnail via Google Image Search

Coding is a fun thing and I have been coding for the past 2 years, mainly in JavaScript. But, as much fun and love I have for coding, building any habit requires consistency and not giving up when we face hard things. This is something I have been struggling on. I have a hard time building good habits that can change the existing firm neurological patterns in my brain. As much as I want it to, it can’t happen if I don’t take any good steps first. This is why I am taking up the 100daysofcode challenge.

100daysofcode is a challenge in which we code for 100 days for some amount of time every day which is at least an hour without having a single gap day in between. This makes sure we maintain a good streak for at least 100 days in a row making coding a good habit so we can move towards improving our skills faster and in a better way.

It’s not the first time I am taking up this challenge. I have taken up this challenge in the past and failed but it was still a good feat because I was able to do it for more than 30 days in a row, which was quite motivating for me since I haven’t done coding for this long in a row in the past.

My longest streak for 100daysofcode from Dec 20, 2015 to January 12, 2016. My github username is abdulhannanali

I am not giving up on 30 days now. Let’s make it up to 100 days at least and maybe more. All these failed attempts have been really useful since now I know more on how to make my this attempt a real success and I have also learned from many people who have actually achieved this feat. This includes my gurus such as Quincy Larson, John Resig and countless more.

Much has been written about Quincy and his firm routine and his advice to make one like his. Now, it’s time for me to actually apply his teachings to make my routine better and code every day. There’s no delaying for me now.

Things I will do during 100daysofcode

These are the things I will be doing along coding in 100daysofcode challenge:

Pushing code to Github

I will make sure to push the code I write on Github. Pushing the code to github is strangely one of the very rewarding parts of coding. It just feels right that my code is available in public and open. There’s no requirement for the number of commits I have to do for this challenge but the only requirement is to push the at least a commit with some code in it and not just some documentation or other edits which definitely won’t count as coding.

Blog about my progress daily

I will write a daily medium story about my progress even if it’s a really short summary of what I did for the day.

Take care of myself too

I don’t want to get so obsessed with coding that I forget about myself and stop taking care of my health and diet. Seriously, it’s the only way I see myself completing this challenge. I have a tendency of getting so obsessed about the things that I completely forget about other things, resulting in a harsh burnout and I don’t want that to happen. That’s why it’s necessary to take good care of my health through taking some exercise and keeping a good healthy diet.

Complete something meaningful

In this time I will try to do something that’s meaningful to me and is rewarding. Coding is a wide field and I can waste time just following tutorials too. It might work for some, as following tutorials also helps me learn, but I am looking towards a more project-based approach for which I can be very proud at the end of 100 days. It’s more about doing things for me at this time right now.

Be open about my journey and support others

There’s a whole community around #100daysofcode on many mediums. Of course, there’s #100daysofcode on twitter and I will be tweeting with this hashtag in coming days.

There’s also which is the best community of coders I have found on the internet. It’s one of the most supportive communities I have ever encountered. Linda (founder of CodeBuddies) makes sure there’s a supportive environment for coders. It’s the best place to discuss all things coding and computers. Make sure to visit I’ll be posting there about my progress too in the coming days. It’s filled with so many awesome people.

Coding is fun but it’s time to level up and make it a part as important as breathing for me and that’s going to take some work and I gotta do the work now. If it motivates you to do the challenge yourself, that’s WONDERFUL.

It’s a great way to get into the habit so you can free up your mental resources to think about more important things in coding and getting better with each day.

Thanks for reading my story. Don’t forget to say hi to me on twitter or facebook. My github handle is @abdulhannanali Also don’t forget to give some❤ to this post by recommending this post.



Hannan Ali

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