Feb 22nd — March 1st 2019 Community News

This weekly announcement was edited by Dan (@Dan) and Linda (@linda) on the CodeBuddies Slack.

3 min readMar 4, 2019


Hangouts that happened last week

Project work: CB Connect — Saturday March 2nd 2019 1:00 pm EST — 4:00 pm EST —

Explore the flask caching library — Saturday March 2nd 2019 11:00 pm EST — 1:00 am EST

Cormen Introduction to Algorithms — Thursday Feb 28th 2019 10pm-11:16pm PST https://codebuddies.org/hangout/m5ZiWtGhZ7pAamvkx

PSD to HTML Project 1 Part 2 — Thursday Feb 28th 9pm EST-10pm EST https://codebuddies.org/hangout/cWYgf5ZNZxvwEpXzR

Intro to Go-Lang walkthrough — Saturday, Feb 23rd 8pm PST-11pm PST https://codebuddies.org/hangout/pHMDsAMB8Yvsj2Nxx

Hangout proposals / Hangout organizing

Please post in #hangout-proposals in Slack for any hangout proposals, or create a new discussion thread.

Intermediate Githttps://codebuddies.org/discussion/s2TCv5RqqgEAbaTeD

Algorithm Challenges (Javascript)https://codebuddies.org/discussion/ZpRqRgX7F9RPNcycM

People shout-outs (e.g. congrats, wins, thanks)

🎉 Congratulations to everyone who shared about receiving job offers this week!!!

To those of you interviewing: you’ve got this! Good luck.

In the #advice channel, shout-out to @Bill and @John Goodwin for some amazing wisdom drops

Shout-out to @angelocordon for helping out in #html-css

@Connie built a virtual scroll list and table in Angular: https://railsstudent.github.io/ng-virtual-scroll-demo/table

@Bill published his slides and talk about Go at the LondonGophers meetup earlier this month: https://billglover.me/2019/02/24/beyond-the-tour/

Group projects open to contributors

Active study group channels

#code-with-us — Group going through Free Code Camp, usually schedules hangouts on Thursdays

#proj-reading-club — Study group doing Cormen’s Introduction to Algorithms, meeting every Thursday night or Friday morning depending on timezone

CodeBuddies Github label improvements

A note from @Bill, who decided to massively improve the issues labeling on https://github.com/codebuddies/codebuddies/issues:

I had a quick pass through the open issues on GitHub. There is definitely more I can do to try and help tidy up some of these issues but this is what things look like after a first pass.

32 features, 10 enhancements, 8 bugs

24 in discussion, 22 on backlog, 2 in progress, 1 in review

14 issues relate to hangouts, 6 to discussion groups, 5 infrastructure, etc.

2 issues claimed, 2 good first issue, 5 high priority

I’d really like some thoughts on how we move issues out of “in discussion” and into either “closed” or “in progress”. I can think of a few things that could help:

Head on over to the GitHub issues page and contribute to the discussion

Express your interest in a bug/enhancement/feature by giving it the thumbs up

Consider taking ownership for a topic (refactoring, documentation, etc.) and hosting a hangout to tease out a set of actions that can be taken

Cool Slack channels you may not know about

#testing (TDD)


Many thanks to the most recent backers on CB’s Open Collective: Anbuselvan, Brendan, Megan, and Dean!




A community of independent code learners who enjoy sharing knowledge and helping each other learn faster. Open-sourced and 100% volunteer-driven.