Want to improve CodeBuddies? Here’s your chance.

Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2017

Hey all,
Want to see CodeBuddies improved? Please take this 5-minute survey. :) https://codebuddies.typeform.com/to/YmX6ym

(As an added incentive: if you opt in, you will be entered into a raffle to win one of two $5 Amazon.com gift cards.)


To those who already saw this announcement on Slack or on the Facebook Group: thank you for submitting your response! Much of the feedback is on point and the comments are inspiring, and I can’t wait to share the (anonymized) responses with you all.

Featured study groups this week:

  • Join the Building Single Page Applications study group organized by @4imble. Check out the #single-page-apps channel on Slack for the majority of the discussion. We also have a Trello board!
  • Join the Coding Bootcamps Interview Prep study group organized by @Natalia, and ask her to give you organizer permissions if you’d like to help schedule some more pair programming sessions to practice and discuss coding exercises for bootcamps.
  • Join the You Don’t Know JS study group organized by @kise! There is a hangout scheduled for this weekend (Sunday, November 12th at 4pm PST) on Chapters 1 & 2 of Up and Going with Javascript. Please RSVP to the hangout here: https://codebuddies.org/hangout/Lj77ukGEDWLz3kWct. The relevant Slack channel to join is #you-dont-know-js.

In other community happenings…
A big thank you to everyone who’s been welcoming newcomers in the #introduce-yourself channel on Slack, especially @bethanyg and @angelocordon.

A big shout-out to everyone who’s helped with advice and coding questions in channels like #advice, #javascript, and #python.

Many thanks to everyone who offered their thoughts on Slack in some thoughtful discussions about burnout and proper acknowledgment of leaders who’ve stepped up in the community, which led to the creation of the survey above. (And thanks to everyone who helped formulate and improve the survey questions.)

Remember: survey! If you have a minute, please do check out https://codebuddies.typeform.com/to/YmX6ym.

Have a great week,




A community of independent code learners who enjoy sharing knowledge and helping each other learn faster. Open-sourced and 100% volunteer-driven.