Flutter In App Purchase

Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

I’ve implemented react-native-iap module before and there was a request to build one in flutter too since plugins currently out there doesn’t support sufficient features like subscription . So today, I’ve implemented flutter_inapp_purchase module. React Native In App Purchase and Flutter In App Purchase is ready.

Setup your in app products for ios in itunesconnect.

  1. You need to complete the Agreements, Tax and Bankings.
  2. Add In-App Purchases in Features tab. Check that your product’s status is Ready to Submit.

3. Check your xcode setting and make In-App Purchase available.

Now, you’re done with ios side configuration. So lets go for android.

Setup your in-app purchases for android in playstore.

  1. As described in above screenshot, you need to upload apk with billing permission and set up merchant account before creating in-app product.
    <uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />
  2. If you’ve done it, you can create a managed product as shown in below screenshot.

That’s it. You can now go to your react-native project and include our module as described in the readme.

Summary for integrating flutter_inapp_purchase.

  1. Install dependency
    - dependencies: flutter_inapp_purchase: ^0.3.3
    - flutter packages get
  2. Import and use it.
    - https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_inapp_purchase#-readme-tab-

Please write up issue, if you have any problem.

Thank you.

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