How to format Date & Time in Flutter
Datetime formatting made simple using this package
Hello and welcome to my post about How to format datetime in Flutter. Each week I will analyse another package published under including a working example to implement in your own project. If you want to see the first post of this series head over to How to validate Emails in Flutter.
Date Format
This week’s widget is mandatory if you want to display a certain date or time inside your app. The Date Format package helps you to display time, date, time zone, weekday and some more, regardless of their order. Therefore you have to specify a dateformat string in the code, which determines the format of the desired text of a datetime object. How? Let me show you!
The purpose
Time is important, even in the IT world. No matter if the day of the week is determined in the background, a historization of data needs a timestamp or the user wants to be informed about the exact day and time of an event. Last one needs a visual representation of a datetime object. It is important to decide how date and time should be displayed to the user. Is the event on the 01.August.2021, on the 1.8.21 or on 08/01/21. Possible combinations are a dime a dozen and depending on country and region the user…