Can ChatGPT replace you ?

Jay Shah
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2023

Let’s understand how ChatGPT revolutionised the world. Discover how it works and whether it is a boon or bane.

With the growing tension of the jobs disappearing into thin air with the arrival of ChatGPT have been the talk of the town. A recent survey states that ChatGPT is already taking over jobs in the US, it is passing some of the most difficult examinations in the world, and much more. But is this a matter of concern?

ChatGPT and Developers : Deciphered

ChatGPT developed by OpenAI is an Artificial Intelligence chatbot that uses supervised and reinforcement learning techniques. It was developed as a successor to GPT-3 and GPT-4. GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer which is a family of language models developed by OpenAI.

Developers are those people who develop and build something in their respective domains. The domains include a wide variety ranging from software to content.

How does your ChatGPT work and draw information ?

A detailed breakdown of how ChatGPT functions :

  1. Input processing: The user types commands or questions into ChatGPT’s text bar.
  2. Tokenization: The input is tokenized, i.e. it is broken by the program into individual words or phrases to be analysed.
  3. Input embedding: The tokenized part is fed into the generative pre-trained transformer. (Embedding makes it easier to do machine learning on large inputs.)
  4. Encoder-decoder attention: The transformer encodes the text and generates a probability distribution for all possible outputs for that answer and that distribution generates the output.
  5. Text generation and Output: ChatGPT generates its output answer, and then the human receives a text response.

ChatGPT was trained on a large body of text from a variety of sources(e.g., Wikipedia, books, news articles, and scientific journals). The dataset only went up to 2021. It is important to understand that ChatGPT doesn’t access the entire database to answer your questions, its responses are based on supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.

ChatGPT vs You

Do you think that you’re replaceable by an AI-driven bot? Well, the answer to this is quite ambiguous. Professional developers who are skilled and have definite knowledge are difficult to replace. Because in the end, we need developers to code the AI chatbot as well! But yes the developers with shallow knowledge would no longer be needed.

The creativity and the ability to think makes the human race different from all other species is something that is possibly irreplaceable. We cannot expect an AI to build a framework out of the existing lines of code.

Let’s rather say that AI would reduce the time of development considerably making it easy for the developers to find the answer more efficiently. ChatGPT cannot design for you and write the entire code for a website you have dreamt of. It cannot take in images nor can it process anything other than text at present. So it becomes impossible for it to write the entire code but yes it can help you in writing snippets of the code that are long, lengthy, and repetitive.


It cannot completely take away the jobs of the developers in the days to come. But nothing can be predicted with the pace at which the world is growing. Yet it is certain that you need creativity, an AI bot can only create things that have been prefixed into it and it cannot create something that has never existed nor can it think of anything such. And hence human intervention is much needed to keep the world growing.

