Common Entry Test

One stop solution to make club and chapter recruitments in VIT simpler and hassle free.

Akshat Gupta
5 min readDec 11, 2020


In this blog, we’ll go through the role of clubs, teams and chapters in VIT and how you can join them.

What are Clubs, Teams and Chapters?

If you are a dancer and you are good at dancing, then you’ll love to hang out with people who are also dancers and choreographers. Clubs, teams & chapters are the gateway to meet such awesome, like minds, like energy people.

Clubs, teams and chapters are organisations that help students cultivate leadership and team-building skills. These organisations are also responsible for the never-ending stream of liveliness and events that happen in our college.
Be it technical, artistic, research-oriented or public speaking, everything and everyone is satisfied here!

Why should I join them?

Treks, lunches, Pondi trips and the meeting like minded and best friends you’re going to make in college!
Treks, lunches, Pondi trips and the meeting like minded and best friends you’re going to make in college!
Events, workshops, learning, mentoring, projects, competitions, hackathons, prizes and webinars!
Events, workshops, learning, mentoring, projects, competitions, hackathons, prizes and webinars!

General Recruitment Process

One semester down, I’m now used to how VIT is academically.

I’m learning new things myself to make the most of my time during this online semester.


I attend workshops and webinars by different clubs and chapters which I come to know of emails like this:

Daily email we get from the Director of Student Welfare regarding upcoming events.
Daily email we get from the Director of Student Welfare regarding upcoming events.
  • Ever wondered what it is like to organise the same event?
  • Want to take a workshop on something you’re learning?
  • Do you want to meet like minded people like you and work on cool stuff?

If the answer to these questions is YES, buckle up as the recruitment season is here!

Recruitments in VIT are usually quite tedious & stressful and are a 3 to 4 step procedure including several tests and interviews to get to know you and your skills.

How to proceed?

The first step: Choose a bunch of clubs to apply to.

There are 100+ clubs in VIT for different interests, some of which are:

  • Debate Society and the Model United Nations Society for debates and public speaking.
  • The Dance Club for dance enthusiasts.
  • Music Club for music lovers and creators.
  • Visual Bloggers Group for bloggers.
  • Team Ojas, Team Pravega for car lovers.
  • Team FootBrawlers, RoverX and other Creation Lab teams which work on robots and bots.
  • E-Cell and CSED for the budding entrepreneurs.
  • Tag for the gamers.
  • And the most famous, Technical Clubs like CodeChef-VIT, IEEE VIT, DSC VIT, IETE VIT, CSI VIT, ADG VIT, etc for coding, development, events, mentoring and more!

Listing down all clubs, teams and chapters here is almost impossible so I’ve listed a few clubs I could think of. There are a lot more amazing clubs out there!

Freshers are usually expected to go through huge lists on the VIT website, VITspot and other places to decide which clubs to apply to.

Step 2: Find their recruitment portals and fill the RSVP forms.

Step 3: Give tests for each different club on that club’s portal which you find on the club’s social handles.

Applying to 10 clubs? At least 10 different tests (and interviews)!

P.S: If it’s an artistic club, they take recruitments based upon those skills and not written tests.

Step 4: Keep track of every step and deadline.

You’re now expected to be prepared to give the next interview or test as per the club or chapter’s instruction.

Note: It very often happens that a clubs test or interview clashes the timings of another club’s interview or test.

After a series of interviews and tests, you finally get in and the onboarding takes place!

Tedious right?

Don’t worry, this year we have come up with a solution to make this process easier for you.


Common Entry Test

Common Entry Test (CET) is a unique one of its kind portal made to make the recruitment process easier.
Instead of keeping track of different clubs individually with their separate deadlines, links and resources, you can now just log on to this one stop portal and:

  • Track deadlines
  • See list of clubs and chapters
  • Apply and give test(s)
  • Give interviews
  • See results

What’s different?

  • You can give a standardised test which is accepted by multiple clubs and chapters just like how JEE works for IITs, NITs, IIITs and multiple more colleges.
  • You can also give a particular club’s individual test on the same portal (you didn’t expect to code to get into the Music Club did you?).
  • Customised dashboard with relevant details and links.
  • You don’t miss out on an awesome club just because your research wasn’t up to the mark.

What’s in it for the clubs?

  • Non-technical clubs find it really hard to adapt to this online change. Making a recruitment portal, spending resources and getting the publicity isn’t easy.
  • More publicity and reach.
  • Smarter recruits.
  • Partner with competitor clubs and build good relations.

How do I know which club I can give the standardised test on?

There are three main types of Partner Clubs on our portal:

  • Giga Partners: These partners are part of the standardised test and you give the one common test and apply to all Giga Partners.
  • Mega Partners: These partners have their individual tests set up on our portal and you give a test for their club on our portal.
  • Micro Partners: These partners have their individual tests set up on our portal as well as their portal and you give a test for their club on either portal.
  • Nano Partners: These partners don’t have their tests on our portal but still want to do their part in making it easier for new recruits and we redirect you to their own private test portals.

Easier and more organised right?

Now that you know how you can apply, it’s important that you up-skill yourself and think about how you can stand out.
These recruitments are very rigorous and only the best get through.

We will be releasing the Common Entry Test portal soon for everyone to administer and apply. Stay tuned!



Akshat Gupta

Web Developer with keen interest in SEO & Digital Marketing.