How to create a user interface that’s both functional and beautiful

Vashishta Kothamasu
Published in
8 min readMar 27, 2023

Crafting a user interface that performs well and is visually appealing can seem daunting. However, fear not — it’s an enjoyable undertaking! Developing a good UI/UX design bears resemblance to creating artwork; like how artists choose hues and brushes with care, designers meticulously select ideal arrangements of fonts, colors and layout for making a functional yet splendid creation.

Although the appearance is essential, creating a user interface goes beyond aesthetics. One has to understand the requirements and habits of their intended audience to be successful. It’s similar to being a detective who solves puzzles by gathering hints about what users want and need from your product or service. By executing research on users’ tendencies with wireframes, you can gain valuable insight into their demands and standards for design that will meet those expectations effectively.

Don your designer hat with enthusiasm, it’s time to put your creativity to work

Understanding the User

Have you experienced using a website or application that seemed tailor-made for your use? The kind of experience where it felt as though the developers had taken into account all your personal requirements? This is due to exceptional UI/UX design, which begins with comprehending the user.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs

Understanding the user’s needs helps you to create a design that is tailored to their specific needs. Imagine designing an app for doctors without understanding their needs and preferences. However, if ample time was taken examining these factors before development occurred, the end-result could be geared towards precisely what they require; subsequently decreasing workload as well.

Creating a product for the user in mind first.

Doing user research is one method for learning more about their requirements. Data on user interactions with your interface, goals, pain areas, and preferences are collected through user research.

  • Interviews
  • User testing
  • Questionnaires
  • Observation

Are various methods that can be used to gather this information.

It’s crucial to identify your audience and solicit feedback from the appropriate consumers when performing user research. For instance, if you’re creating an app for college students, you should interview students to better understand their wants and needs. Asking open-ended questions that encourage people to express their feelings about your interface is also essential.

It’s crucial to put usefulness ahead of aesthetics once you’ve gotten user feedback. Although practicality should always come first, aesthetics are vital. Even if an interface is visually nice, users will still leave it if it is difficult to use. So, when creating your interface, make sure it is user-friendly, intuitive, and satisfies their demands.

“Design must be functional and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics, without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.” — Ferdinand Porsche

Making use of personas is another technique to comprehend the consumer. User personas are made-up people who reflect your target market. They are supported by research and aid in your comprehension of the objectives, drives, and actions of your users. You may build an interface that appeals to your target market by creating user personas.

User Persona in a fun visual.

Design Principles

The notion of simplicity comes first. Keeping it simple and stupid is best! Users prefer simple designs since they are simple to use and navigate. But how can minimalism be used in UI design? Consider the fundamental components of your interface, and then clear away any clutter. Use brief and unambiguous labels, for instance, while creating a navigation menu to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for by having them highlighted in a bold manner.

Next, we have consistency. The secret to designing a unified and user-friendly interface is consistency. When using your app or website, you don’t want your users to get lost or confused. How can you make your design consistent? Keep your interface’s layout, typography, and color scheme uniform. Users will like the unified design that is produced as a result.

Design System Used for consistency accross products.

Another fundamental design principle is hierarchy. The order in which elements are displayed is referred to as hierarchy, and it can affect how users behave. If you want users to concentrate on a specific element, for example, make it stand out by using a larger font, a bolder color, or positioning it in a prominent area. Users are guided through the interface by hierarchy, which enables them to understand the significance of each element.

© Larry Buchanan

Let’s now discuss the significance of striking a balance between form and function. Even if an interface is visually stunning, users will still abandon it if it is difficult to use. A functional interface without aesthetic appeal can also be uninteresting. Then how can form and function be balanced? By using easy-to-understand design components that improve user experience while also satisfying their aesthetic preferences. For example, when creating a form, use labels that are clear, brief, and simple to read while also utilizing appealing typography and colors.

Hirearchy in forms

By creating a visually appealing and easy-to-use interface, you can enhance the user’s experience and encourage them to keep coming back. So, keep it simple, consistent, and engaging

Visual Design

We all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when it comes to UI design, we need to create something that everyone will find visually appealing.

First and foremost, it’s important to pick the right color scheme. Colors have the power to evoke feelings and influence how an interface feels overall. For instance, yellow is frequently linked to joy and optimism, while blue is frequently linked to trust and security. Consider contrast when selecting colors, and make sure the text is readable.

Colors vs Emotions

Next, typography has a big influence on how the design is perceived as a whole. In order to make sure that your design looks polished and professional, selecting the appropriate font is essential. To create a unified look, limit your font selection to no more than two to three. And please, for the love of design, stay far, far away from Comic Sans.

Style Font Guide showcasing Typography

Last but not least, imagery is an essential component of visual design. Images can elicit feelings and improve user engagement. Make sure the images you select are of a high caliber and pertinent to the subject matter. Keep in mind the images are web-optimized and don’t hinder the speed at which a page loads.

Comparison of imagery between men’s and women’s sections of the app

Remember that developing a unified and visually appealing interface is the key to successful visual design. Keep the interface’s design consistent throughout, give it breathing room with white space, and keep it straightforward.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is a way to make sure everything is perfect before releasing it to the public, much like having your mom taste your food before serving it to your guests , you wouldn’t want to poison your guests now would you?

Let’s talk about the significance of usability testing. Even though you may think your design is perfect, it’s crucial to get feedback from actual users to make sure it works properly and is simple to use. Usability testing gives you insights into how to improve the design by pointing out areas where users struggle or become confused.

Heatmap Showcasing Keypoints of a site.

It’s crucial to target your audience and create a test that is as realistic as possible when conducting usability testing. Use hypothetical situations that simulate how users would actually use your interface. Also keep in mind that the usability of the interface is being tested, not the user’s skills.

Look for patterns in user behavior and feedback to help you interpret the results of the usability testing. Pay attention to user suggestions for improvement and take note of areas where they encounter difficulty or confusion. This criticism is incredibly helpful in improving the design and making an interface that caters to your audience’s needs.


Finally, based on user feedback, iterate and improve the design. Don’t be afraid to try again and make changes. Always keep in mind that you want to design a user interface that is both useful and enjoyable. So keep adjusting until you achieve perfection.

Conclusion ? 🙁

Wow, this blog has covered a lot of ground! We’ve learned a lot about designing simple, consistent, and hierarchy-based user interfaces, as well as how to take into account the needs and preferences of our users. However, there’s still more! We’ve also discussed the importance of usability testing to make sure our interfaces are usable and the role that visual design plays in making them beautiful.

We’ve placed a strong emphasis on the necessity of striking a balance between form and function in order to ensure that our designs are both useful and aesthetically pleasing. After all, what’s the point of having a gorgeous interface if it doesn’t actually work?

So, whether you’re choosing colors, typography, and imagery or conducting usability tests, remember to keep your users at the center of everything you do. Listen to their feedback and iterate, iterate, iterate! until you’ve created an interface that’s not just functional,but also a joy to use.

Thanks for reading and Happy designing!

