Coronavirus Has Made Technology More Relevant Than Ever

George Karboulonis
Coded Lines Digital Stories
4 min readApr 6, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: Why Technology Matters More than Ever Today

Even before the coronavirus pandemic struck, remote working was accelerating in most major city business hubs, but the next few months will be key to how things develop in the future and how the ways we work will be shaped forever.

The accelerating factors are pretty obvious; first we have the ever increasing living costs in metropolitan areas and business hubs like New York, San Fransisco, London and Chicago and secondly — the new software that has become widely available such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Trello, and countless others makes remote working easier than ever.

For both factors there is still room for growth and with regards to the former that’s not good news. Absurdly high living costs in big cities will drive more and more knowledge workers to seek companies that offer remote working contracts, when it comes to the latter though, software that is, that’s where the business opportunity lies (but also risks).

How are businesses affected

The recent pandemic will stress test businesses and organizations all around the world and put their internal and external processes under the microscope.

Businesses who can’t adapt to the changing times and the newly arising challenges will become irrelevant, lose their competitive edge, and soon will be forgotten.

Even though several businesses have made the jump to going fully digital in the last couple of decades there are still countless others that rely on outdated businesses models for working, dealing with clients and everything in between.

Remote working demands: a true stress test for businesses

As we said, the sudden exponential increase in working from home is presenting both problems and opportunities. Startups and software companies that sell could software and software that facilitates remote working an communication are benefiting from the demand in their products and services, on the other hand though the unprepared organizations will face huge novel costs and a drop in sales and revenue.

It looks increasingly as if the situation will not ever go back to how it was: many employees for companies who have sent all staff home are already starting to question why they had to go in to the office in the first place.

Large technology firms were some of the first to make the switch to remote working for all their staff, building on pre-existing infrastructure such as office chat groups, remote access to critical tools, and the fact that much knowledge work can be carried out remotely.

“Millions of people will get the chance to experience days without long commutes, or the harsh inflexibility of not being able to stay close to home when a family member is sick… This might be a chance for a great reset in terms of how we work,”

said Matt Mullenweg, chief executive of WordPress and Tumblr owner Automattic.

New software will be needed

Even though there is a lot of software out there that has made remote working easier than ever, the new market conditions will unearth huge opportunities for businesses to develop new software and platforms and also companies will have to find new ways to further improve their internal processes, ranging from communication and task monitoring to project management and digital delivery of products and services.

The recent pandemic is another major hit to brick and mortar stores and companies that physically sell products and services.

This also poses a great opportunity for these companies to shift to a complete digital model and ensure that their products and services are accessible online though websites and apps.

Mobile apps will see a huge boost in popularity as they are a cost-effective and highly versatile way to connect with your customers and maintain an open channel at all times.

Brick and mortar stores that embrace the changes and adopt a digital presence will stay competitive and ensure their smooth operation for the years to come.

React a single tool for every platform

Amidst the plethora of technology options available today, there is maybe a single framework that is the most versatile, flexible and cost-efficient means for companies to take their activity online.

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Web and PWA by enabling developers to use React along with native platform capabilities.

Why it matters more than ever for businesses today? Because you can build everything with React — from mobile apps for iOS and Android to PWAs and even full-blown web apps and websites.

Now you don’t need to rely on multiple different frameworks and platforms just to manage the same thing be that an e-commerce shopfront, a mobile game, a chat platform or anything that you can think of. A single tool can do everything. Investing in React will save time, money and ensure that your business will stay in the forefront of the technological developments in the future.

Going a step further, React-VR pushes the boundaries of known technologies and implementation concepts as it can create virtual reality apps that deliver staggeringly innovative and immersive client experiences. Companies that previously were relying on physical stores with foot traffic, now, they have the option to take their offering digital with React-VR. Create full-blown virtual showrooms where your customers can interact and immerse with your products and cut down drastically on costs while ensuring seamless business continuity.

That’s why we at Coded Lines have heavily invested in React — offering full suite development services based on React, from mobile app to web app development we provide end to end React services.

Originally published at on March 16, 2020.



George Karboulonis
Coded Lines Digital Stories

Digital Marketing Consultant specializing in SEO & Content | Love & Write About All Matters Digital | Marketing Lead @