Responsive images and progressive image loading with laravel

Kristi Tanellari
Codefield community


In this article i will explain how to integrate responsive images and progressive image loading in your laravel app.This will give your app a big performance boost. First thing’s first. For this tutorial i will be using two amazing packages: Intervention Image for image manipulation and Lazysizes for progressive image loading. You can follow the installation instructions on their respective pages. To get a quick preview how your app will react after this tutorial check out Codefield. I went through this process to implement it there. Make sure to install these two packages before starting the process. So let’s begin.

The image upload form

<form method="POST" action="{{ url('addPhotos') }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<input type="file" name="photo[]"
value="{{ old('photo') }}" multiple="multiple">
<button type="submit">
Add photo(s)

this is just a basic form with a post method and action="{{ url('addPhotos') }}" meaning that when the form is submitted it will point to the addPhotos route on your web.php file.

photo is the name of the column on your database where the image path will be saved. the [] stands for multiple if you want to upload multiple photos at once.

The route

On your web.php file add this route

Route::post('addPhotos', 'PhotosController@store');

this will set the route for addPhotos and point to the store method in PhotosController.php or whatever controller you have the method in.

Create the folders

Within the storage folder on your app create a folder named public . within this folder add these folders: original_photos large_photos medium_photos mobile_photos and tiny_photos . Then on your console runphp artisan storage:link to create a public link between the storage folder and the public folder.Basically to make these photos public.

The upload process

Now this is where everything happens.I will have the full method here and then brake it down for you.

public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate(request(), [
'photo' => 'required'

$original_photo_storage = public_path('storage/original_photos/');
$large_photos_storage = public_path('storage/large_photos/');
$medium_photos_storage = public_path('storage/medium_photos/');
$mobile_photos_storage = public_path('storage/mobile_photos/');
$tiny_photos_storage = public_path('storage/tiny_photos/');
$files = request()-> file('photo');foreach ($files as $file) {

$photo = new Photo; //or whatever your model is called
$photo -> user_id = auth()->id();
$photo -> unique_id = uniqid();
$photo -> photo = $file->hashName();
$image = Image::make($file->getRealPath());
->resize(860, null, function ($constraint) {
->resize(640, null, function ($constraint) {
->resize(420, null, function ($constraint) {
->resize(10, null, function ($constraint) {
return back();

so let’s brake this down

$this->validate(request(), [
'photo' => 'required'

this is just a validation telling laravel that a photo is required in order to submit the form. You don’t have to add this if you don’t want to.

$original_photo_storage = public_path('storage/original_photos/');
$large_photos_storage = public_path('storage/large_photos/');
$medium_photos_storage = public_path('storage/medium_photos/');
$mobile_photos_storage = public_path('storage/mobile_photos/');
$tiny_photos_storage = public_path('storage/tiny_photos/');

these are the paths to the folders on your public folder.That’s where the images are going to be saved. Now just by the name i guess you know where everything goes.The last folder tiny_photos will be for the tiny images that will be used for progressive image loading.

$files = request()-> file('photo');

this will request the file from the form.

$photo = new Photo; //or whatever your model is called
$photo -> user_id = auth()->id();//create a user id for the photo. //This will be the id of the authenticated user.
$photo -> unique_id = uniqid();//give photo a unique id so you can //reference it when you want to see the photo on your app
$photo -> photo = $file->hashName();//give the uploaded photo a hash //name
$image = Image::make($file->getRealPath());//create a new image //resource from file.This is done by the Intervention Image package

next we save the image

$image->save($original_photo_storage.$file->hashName(),100)//save //the image on the original_photos folder with 100% quality

then we resize the images

->resize(860, null, function ($constraint) {
//we resize the image to 860px, save it to the large_photos folder
//with a quality of 85%.Keep the resized images under 85% to pass //the google lighthouse efficiently compress images requirement.
//there will be no changes in image quality
->resize(640, null, function ($constraint) {
//we resize the image to 640px, save it to the medium_photos folder
//with a quality of 85%.Keep the resized images under 85% to pass //the google lighthouse efficiently compress images requirement.
//there will be no changes in image quality
->resize(420, null, function ($constraint) {
//we resize the image to 420px, save it to the mobile_photos folder
//with a quality of 85%.Keep the resized images under 85% to pass //the google lighthouse efficiently compress images requirement.
//there will be no changes in image quality
->resize(10, null, function ($constraint) {
//we resize the image to 10px, save it to the tiny_photos folder
//with a quality of 85%.Keep the resized images under 85% to pass //the google lighthouse efficiently compress images requirement.
//there will be no changes in image quality
//we add the blur(1) method to blur the tiny image for progressive //image loading

then we save everything


and return back to the form

return back();

With this we have uploaded 5 different versions of the image with different sizes that we can use for responsive images.Now we have to call these images based on the screen size.This is one way to go about it.

With srcset

if you are displaying many images you have to do a foreach loop.

For example

@foreach ($photo as $img)
<img src="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$img->photos)}}"
srcset="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$img->photos.' 860w')}},{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$img->photos.' 640w')}},{{asset('storage/mobile_photos/'.$img->photos.' 420w')}}">

or if you are displaying only one image then no need for foreach loop

<img src="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photos)}}"
srcset="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 860w')}},{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 640w')}},{{asset('storage/mobile_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 420w')}}">

the src element works as a fallback just in case the srcset fails.The srcset element will read the screen size and for any screen that matches the given screen width e.g 860w will load the respective image, in this case will load the large image. and so on for the 640w will load the medium image and for the 420w will load the mobile image.This way you ensure you are not loading a 4k image on a mobile device.That’s just pointless

The picture element

Another way to go about it is with the picture element

media = "(min-width:860px)"
srcset="{{asset('storage/large_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 860w')}}">
media = "(min-width:640px)"
srcset = "{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 640w')}}" >
media = "(max-width:420px)"
srcset = "{{asset('storage/mobile_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 420w')}}" >
<img src="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photo)}}" >

again in this example the src element will work as a fallback in case srcset fails.I’d say this method is arguably more readable for the browser.We use the <picture> element.Within that we add a <source> element.Within the <source> element we add media where we can compare current screen size against the size defined on the media element and for each screen size, we give the image defined in the srcset element. Taking the example above for all screens larger than 860px we will display the large images, and so it goes on for the rest of the screen sizes. Now, we have yet to implement progressive image loading. Let’s to that now.

Progressive image loading

After all the work we have done, implementing progressive image loading is easy.Basically all the heavy lifting is done by the lazysizes package.Adding progressive image loading is very similar to the method to displaying responsive images.The only difference is that instead of using src we will use data-src and instead of srcset we will use data-srcset .The Lasysizes documentation explains this in detail.So one method to do this would be :

Progressive image loading with srcset

<img class="lazyload blur-up" 
data-srcset="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 860w')}},{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 640w')}},{{asset('storage/mobile_photos/'.$photo->photos.' 420w')}}"

in this case src element will we only used to load the blurred tiny image and the second the larger image is loaded, the tiny image will disappear and the larger image will take place.

Notice that we have used class="lazyload blur-up" .In this case the lazyload class is used to implement the progressive loading technique.Optionally you can use the blur-up or ratio-box fade-box for blur-up and fade techniques respectively. To make use of this classes you need to add a little extra css to your project like this:

.blur-up {
-webkit-filter: blur(5px);
filter: blur(5px);
transition: filter 400ms, -webkit-filter 400ms;

.blur-up.lazyloaded {
-webkit-filter: blur(0);
filter: blur(0);

<img src="lqip-src.jpg" data-src="image.jpg" class="lazyload blur-up" />

<!-- ... -->

.fade-box .lazyload,
.fade-box .lazyloading {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 400ms;

.fade-box img.lazyloaded {
opacity: 1;
<div class="ratio-box fade-box">
<img src="lqip-src.jpg" />
<img data-src="image.jpg" class="lazyload" />

but this is very well explained in the documentation.

Progressive image loading with the picture element

<source media = "(min-width:860px)"
data-srcset="{{asset('storage/large_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 860w')}}">
<source media = "(min-width:420px)"
data-srcset = "{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 640w')}}" >
<source media = "(max-width:420px)"
data-srcset = "{{asset('storage/mobile_photos/'.$photo->photo.' 420w')}}" >
<img class="lazyload blur-up"
data-src="{{asset('storage/medium_photos/'.$photo->photo)}}" >

Same as before src element will we only used to load the blurred tiny image and the second the larger image is loaded it the tiny image will disappear and the larger image will take place. And instead of using src we will use data-src and instead of srcset we will use data-srcset .

..aand that’s it.You now have progressive image loading combined with responsive images on your laravel app which gives you a big performance boost.Combine that with adding progressive web apps functionality to your app and you will have a very very fast product. Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Please ask me if you have any question or are unclear about something.



Kristi Tanellari
Codefield community

I've written about coding in the past, I will now mainly focus on writing about my life because I have some stories to tell. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.