Addition: New Lessons in AP CSP Karel Unit

Calvin Studebaker
CodeHS Curriculum Changelog
1 min readAug 23, 2016

We’ve recently added new lessons to the AP CS Principles Karel Unit to cover topics that are specific to the AP CS Principles course. These new lessons teach students about the larger ideas in computing, such as Abstraction, APIs, and Algorithms. The new lessons are:

  1. Abstraction: We introduce the idea of abstraction, how it is used in Karel, and how we can develop our own abstractions.
  2. Karel Algorithms: We introduce the concept of algorithms, what they do, how they are made, and why they are important. We go over a few more example Karel problems, and talk about writing your programs with pseudocode, and how to test your programs.
  3. Ultra Karel: Karel can now paint the grid world! Students learn about generalizing functions by adding parameters.
  4. Practice Performance Task: Paint! Students brainstorm, plan, write pseudocode, and develop their own program that has Karel paint a digital image in the grid world.

