Mobile Apps July Updates

Julia Carson
CodeHS Curriculum Changelog
2 min readAug 12, 2019

We have been busy updating our Mobile Apps course this summer based on feedback we’ve received. Here’s an overview of the edits we’ve been making and those you’ll see in the coming weeks.


A new lesson has been added so students can include textInput components in their apps, such as in the example shown. This new content can be found in the updated module 3: Buttons and Text Boxes.

Venmo Transfer Balance App

Extended Scorekeeper Challenge

A scorekeeper app challenge had been included in the previous version of the course, but has been expanded to allow students to update features of this app as they learn new skills. In the example shown here, students have built the layout of their app, added buttons, text boxes, and images, and have just applied states to update the scores of each team. In future lessons, they’ll expand to multiple screens and save each team’s record over multiple games played.

Scorekeeper Challenge

Using ‘Dimensions’ to Control Size

In the previous version of the course, students learned how to use flex layouts to create responsive layouts, but this could not be used to responsively size text. Students will now be introduced to the Dimensions library where they can use the height and width of the screen as variables to size various components. This can be found in a new lesson in module 4: Advanced Layouts and Images.

Future Updates

The second half of the course is still being updated, but you can expect to see the following new content and features in the coming weeks:

  • Creating Apps with multiple screens
  • Adding ScrollView for text and images
  • Extended Collections of Data
  • Using Control Structures with State
  • End-of-Quarter Projects

Questions? Reach out to!

