The secret sauce for getting a 68% pay hike as a developer

Saman Kapur
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

For 10x software developers, resilience is a common attribute. We often hear great software engineers passing through traditional resume screenings and having a fair share of apprehension during the whiteboard coding interview.

For Nihal Singh, landing a new job at Udaan proved to a whole new level of determination and will power-packed with new learnings.

Udaan’s collaboration with Codejudge to meet their hiring goals included building a pipeline of qualified candidates, assessing them on real-world tech projects and delivering pre-vetted talent directly to their inbox. With 62% higher response rates from candidates and 4 times better developer experience, Udaan could start hiring developers within 3 weeks of starting the campaign.

In an interview with Nihal, Udaan’s first candidate to get hired through the outreach from the Codejudge Platform, he commented:

“I had taken several coding tests on platforms like HackerRank and HackerEarth before but I never came across a platform like Codejudge. Evaluation of test cases from my own local IDE helped me perform so much better and pushing off the GitHub link to the cloud for further evaluation is a very well thought out process.

I hope more companies approach tech interviews like this and enable candidates to learn during the interview process!”- Nihal Singh

From the time Codejudge’s team reached out to Nihal for the role, Nihal had his final offer letter from Udaan with a 68% hike in his annual salary within 22 days. Currently, 4 weeks into the campaign, Udaan’s developer outreach saw over 400 application developers signing up for the contest packed with real-world tech challenges assessing on-the-job skills and core competencies of developers.

While we geared up to help Udaan create a 10x stronger application development team faster than ever, our goal was to also deliver a candidate experience and hiring process that enables learning for the candidates and provides them with quality feedback, bias-free and in real-time.

As tech hiring continues to emerge as one of the most competitive domains, hiring managers and technical recruiters aim to ensure that they hire only the best tech talent without compromising on their candidate experience to attract the best talent. Real-world micro projects with their ability to mirror actual work enable companies and recruiting teams to gauge developers on-the-job skills and real technical acumen.

With their ability to boost candidate experience, measure technical acumen with higher accuracy and reduce the chances of mis-hires, real-world tech projects are surely transforming the way tech hiring will be conducted in years to come.

