How to track your productivity with Pomodoro?

Christopher Maneu
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2017

The Pomodoro technique is quite efficient when you’re trying to focus on a specific task. I’m using it since ages when I really need to focus.

Of course, there is a ton of apps to help you maintain your Pomodoro flow, and track your performance. However, it’s one of the areas I like to go Low-Tech and just track with pen and paper. I’ve come up with a set of symbols to track the different steps, with an inspiration from the Bullet Journal system.

My Pomodoro “tracking symbols”

I use these symbols on may daily todo list. I mark them in a chronological order. Therefore, at the end of the day, with a single sheet of paper, I can see what I’ve accomplished, and how I’ve been able to successfully achieve my Pomodoro flow during the day.

For now, I do not analyze besides a one-day timeframe. It’s a far from perfect system. However, It helps me to answer this famous question I tend to ask myself at the end of the day: who has stolen my time ?. Now, I have a new tool to help to answer it :).



Christopher Maneu

📱 / ☁️ Engineer @Microsoft | 🐠Scuba diving instructor | Previously @Deezer & Microsoft #MVP