Find and fix application errors faster with

Get real-time error notifications sent straight to code owners.

3 min readNov 15, 2020


If there is a single thing that remains constant across all programming languages, applications, and systems, it’s errors. Let’s face it — they’re inevitable. And anyone who has written any code knows that finding and fixing errors is a pain.

But errors don’t just affect you — they affect your customers and your bottom line. Whether you’re a two-person startup or a 2,000 person enterprise, application errors are your enemy. Errors frustrate customers, and a frustrated customer is more likely to become a customer of your competitor or a detractor on social media. How you deal with application errors is, therefore, critical to your business.

Unfortunately, catching errors isn’t always easy. As software architectures tend towards cloud-based and increasingly distributed models, it can become even more difficult to identify and hunt down errors, and to get them into the hands of someone who can fix them in a timely manner. Solutions for centralized log aggregation (like Amazon Web Services’ CloudWatch) can ease the pain a little, but at the end of the day, you’re still digging through log files and dealing with triaging and routing application errors in the hope that the right code owner will eventually see and fix the errors that are found. Too often, application errors aren’t either visible or prioritized until a critical mass of frustrated users have raised their visibility publicly online.

But what if I told you that there’s a better way?

We built CodeLighthouse to help solve this problem for ourselves. There had to be a better way, so we set out to build it. When we showed the beta to some of our developer friends, we received such positive feedback that we knew we were onto something.

CodeLighthouse makes your life easier.

  • Get notified of errors in real time. We know your customers matter to you. Use CodeLighthouse to catch errors in real time to minimize customer impact.
  • Fix errors faster. When things go wrong, CodeLighthouse notifies code owners directly through their communications channel of choice and provides useful debugging information to streamline debugging and fixing the issue
  • Built-in error storm prevention. When it rains, it pours — but not with CodeLighthouse. We have built-in error storm protection so that your developers don’t get overwhelmed with notifications. If our system detects a flood of similar errors we’ll alert you to the severity without spamming your inbox. Your developers will know what’s happening but won’t get overwhelmed. And of course, you can view all your errors in the admin panel’s error feed.
  • Designed with the complexity of distributed agile teams in mind. As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, it’s more important than ever to be able to easily collaborate and work together remotely. Easily invite users to your organization, and manage permissions.
  • Complex or distributed architecture? No problem! CodeLighthouse breaks down all of your resources into resource groups, individual resources, and functions within those resources. Identify code owners for individual functions so your developers aren’t overwhelmed with notifications.
  • Easy, frictionless integration. You can get started with CodeLighthouse in just a few minutes — it’s easy to install, and even easier to integrate into your applications! We wrote a great article on getting started with CodeLighthouse here.

Ready to get started?

Like what you’ve read so far? Head over to and take a look for yourself! We offer an always-free tier, as well as larger plans suited to businesses of any size. Sign up today and see what CodeLighthouse can do for you!

Or maybe you’re looking for something special — support for another language, or a plan tailored specifically to your needs. If that’s the case, reach out to us at, and we’ll get back to you ASAP to set up a free consultation!



CodeLighthouse is a SaaS startup that notifies your code owners of application errors in live time through your communications channel of choice.