Benefits of Hiring Female Programmers

Elohor Thomas
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2019

Women were among the first Programmers in the early-20th century, they worked on Software while the men mostly worked on hardware. Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer due to the notes she released which described an algorithm that she created for the Analytical Engine to compute Bernoulli numbers. Other women such as Williamina Fleming, Grace Hopper, Annie Easley, Mary Allen Wikes, Adele Goldberg, Joan Ball, Karen Spärck Jones, and many others have made great contributions to technology that are visible till this day.

As time progressed, computer programming was gradually and deliberately transformed into a high-status, scientific, and masculine discipline. The gender disparity and the lack of women in computing from the late 20th century onward have been examined, but no firm explanations have been established. This is why we believe every organization should take the initiative to strive for gender balance when hiring.

Here are some benefits of having female programmers on your team:

Reduced Employee Turnover: Obviously, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hire and maintain skilled talent especially in Tech, organizations that have a reduced turnover incur fewer costs. According to Gallup, companies with more diversity on staff have a 22% lower turnover rate. Generally, Females are less likely to move or change jobs constantly unlike their male counterparts. As long as they have adapted to a particular work environment, it is unlikely they leave that comfort zone for a while. Also, it has been proven that organizations that have a more inclusive culture which embraces women, find it easy to attract more female staff. So, one female in your team can attract many more.

Improved Productivity: Research by The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology showed that an increased number of women in a team accounts for greater psychological safety, team confidence, group experimentation, and team efficiency. Women who code are more analytical and detail-oriented by nature, no wonder Technically Compatible states, “women developers have a consistently better code compared to men developers”. A team with a Female Programmer will experience a higher productivity rate.

Improved Financial Performance: According to the Anita Borg Research stated above, having a Female Diverse Team especially in leadership roles can lead to about 66% increase in ROI. With reference to the two points stated above, you would agree that reduced employee turnover and improved productivity can lead to a better product which will, in turn, increase the financial performance of your company.

At CodeLn, our team is comprised of 50% women and we are recipients of these benefits and many more.

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