Few Things That Help Pursuing a Career in Software Testing

Rangan Adhikary
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2022

We have seen a definite rise in QA engineers or software testers in the IT industry and rightfully so. Every IT company is looking forward to hiring a software tester as every IT-based development project requires a software tester. Find out why.

Whenever an IT product, be it software or a website gets developed, it needs a team of experts to test its quality before the product gets deployed. A software tester’s primary task is to ensure the module/part he/she is assigned to contains any issues or bugs so that the trusted tester could report it to the assigned developer or even the project manager. It is vital to maintain the quality of a product so that whenever it is deployed, it contains almost zero defects, that is why an IT company must hire a Software Tester. So if you are looking to pursue your career in the domain of Software Testing then be at ease because software testers will always be in demand. So here are a few things to know before starting your career as a software tester.

Career in Software Testing

1) Communication Skill

After a part of a module of an IT, project gets developed it needs the immediate attention of a software tester. It is highly important to understand the requirement for the task for that you need to properly communicate with your peers like the assigned developers or even your project manager. It has been seen that sometimes a tester gets the wrong idea about his/hers project requirement due to poor and subsequently resulting in poor testing. It is also very important for a tester to understand if an issue or a bug is found while testing so that he/she can explain the problem to the developer by providing him/her with a proper demonstration so that the issue can be fixed as fast as possible.

2) Knowledge About Manual vs Automation Testing

I am sure if you have come across any job profiles that have the designation of a QA Analyst or Software tester, there is an undoubted mention of automation or manual testing. So what are those terms?

In an IT company, a software tester is either an Automation tester or a Manual Tester. Let us start with Manual Tester, so what precisely is the work of a manual tester? It is exactly what the name suggests, a manual tester will go through test scenarios by going by performing manual actions by navigating through every step to ensure that the testing is being done.

Like Manual Testers, Automation Testers also perform the testing task but instead of a manual approach, they use test scripts that automate the test steps, and the development of the test scripts requires a good knowledge of coding.

Manual testing will never be obsolete In the future. Still, companies will focus on hiring testers that will be given training in both manual and automation rather than manual testers simply because it saves time and capital. Hence, it is important to learn automation testing.

3) Analytical skills

It is an essential thing to approach your test scenarios with critical thinking so that you can identify where the bug/defect is coming from and collaborate with the developer to come up with a solution that will ensure the quality of the product.

4) Coding Knowledge

If you are learning automation testing then programming knowledge is very crucial since there are tools such as Selenium that require high programming skills such as Java, Python and etc. so that the testers and write test scripts and can create a robust testing framework.

In the end, it is very important to give a thought to what should be your career goal, be it a software developer or a software tester, both have insane growth in the field of IT and are a great kick start to your career.



Rangan Adhikary
Writer for

QA Engineer||Passionate Reader