20 Frequently-asked DSA interview questions: Just try these out!

Kiran Maan
CodeMinds AI
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Here, we will discuss the most Frequently asked DSA questions that you must know before going for an interview.

data structure interview questions
Data Structure interview questions

DSA is just super important in every technical interview. Data structures are effective computer memory organizers, similar to file cabinets for information. Trees, graphs, linked lists, and arrays are a few examples; each has advantages for particular applications, such as dynamic updates or quick lookups. The recipes for handling this data, such as sorting, searching, or navigating complex networks, are called algorithms. They work together to create the foundation of effective and powerful software.

Now, it’s the time to explore the top 20 most frequently asked interview questions. Are you ready to explore these?

If you are not a medium member, then you can read the article for free here.

Here, we go!

  1. Longest palindrome in a String
  2. Merge 2 sorted Linked List
  3. Implement stack using 2 queues
  4. Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself
  5. Convert a given binary tree to a doubly linked list
  6. Merge k sorted linked list
  7. Flood fill algorithm using recursion



Kiran Maan
CodeMinds AI

✦ web developer ✦ MCA in web development ✦ Love to talk about Technology, AI and Programming tips and tricks