Mastering Data Structure Algorithms: Learn the Types and Benefits

Kiran Maan
CodeMinds AI
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. It is a method for efficiently accessing and updating data on a computer by organizing it.

data structure and algorithms

Let’s define these terms:

Data structures: To efficiently access and handle data, it can be organized and stored using data structures. It explains the connection between the various operations that can be carried out on data pieces. Different kinds of data structures exist, each intended for a particular purpose. A few popular data structures are trees, graphs, queues, stacks, linked lists, and arrays.

Algorithms: To solve a specific problem, a series of well-defined computing steps or a step-by-step set of instructions is called an algorithm. Data structures can be used to hold data that can be manipulated by algorithms. Effective algorithms are essential for maximizing program performance and resolving computational issues.

Types of Data Structure

Basically, data structures are divided into two categories:

  • Linear data structure
  • Non-linear data structure
classification of data structure algorithms

Linear data structure: A linear data structure is a set of data elements that are arranged in a sequential or linear manner, with each unit being connected to its previous and next neighboring elements.
Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, and so on are instances of linear data structures.
Static Data structures: These data structures are static have a fixed amount of memory. A static data structure’s elements are simpler to access.
An array is one type of this data structure.
Dynamic Data structure: The size of a dynamic data structure is not fixed. It can be updated at random while the code is running, which could be considered as efficient given the code’s complexity in terms of memory and space.
Queue, stack, and other data structures are examples of this type.
Non-linear data structures: Elements in non-linear data structures are not in any sequence. Instead they are arranged in a hierarchical manner where one element will be connected to one or more elements. Examples are — trees and graphs

The advantages of algorithms and data structures


Appropriately selected data structures and algorithms enhance a program’s efficiency. They aid in making the best use possible of resources like memory and time.

Time Complexity:

Algorithms are useful for analyzing an operation’s time complexity. Even with massive datasets, a well-designed algorithm guarantees that operations may be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

Space Complexity:

Data structures affect a program’s space complexity. Memory utilization can be reduced with the help of suitable data structures, which is crucial for resource optimization


Programs can scale effectively when their data structures and algorithms are well-designed. The application should continue to function rather well as the amount of data grows; this scalability is made possible by efficient data structures and algorithms.

Maintainability of Code:

Code that is well organized and uses well-defined data structures is simpler to comprehend, update, and debug. It improves the code’s modularity and readability.

Problem solving:

Comprehending data structures and algorithms is crucial for effectively solving problems in programming and computer science. It gives engineers the ability to select the best tools for tackling particular kinds of issues.

Utilization of Resources:

Programs employ computational resources effectively when data structures and algorithms are optimized for resource utilization.

Integration and Compatibility:

The widespread usage and comprehension of standard data structures and algorithms promotes interoperability and seamless integration of various software components and systems.

In summary, a solid understanding of data structures algorithms is crucial for developing efficient and scalable software. So you should learn at least 10 data structures algorithms as a beginner. The appropriate selection and implementation of these concepts lead to better performance, reduced resource usage, and improved code quality.



Kiran Maan
CodeMinds AI

✦ web developer ✦ MCA in web development ✦ Love to talk about Technology, AI and Programming tips and tricks