Zero to Up and Running a Rails Project only using Docker

Dmitry L Rocha
The Miners
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2017

Disclaimer: this post is based on Quickstart: Compose and Rails — Docker the main difference is that I will run everything with my own user and cache the gems installations.

First, create the directory for your project:

% mkdir ~/my-blog
% cd ~/my-blog

Now create the Dockerfile:

And the docker-compose.yml:

Build it:

% docker-compose build

Create the Gemfile:

Install your gems:

% docker-compose run --rm -u root web bash -c "mkdir -p /bundle/vendor && chown -R railsuser /bundle/vendor"
% docker-compose run --rm web bundle install --path /bundle/vendor

Build the project:

% docker-compose run web bundle exec rails new . --force --skip-bundle

Run bundle install again:

% docker-compose run --rm web bundle install

Bonus: Change the Project to use PostgreSQL

Edit Gemfile removing the gem sqlite3 and adding pg.

Run bundle install to install the gem pg:

docker-compose run --rm web bundle install

Change the Dockerfile to use PostgreSQL:

Build it again:

% docker-compose build

Change docker-compose.yml to also run PostgreSQL:

Update the configuration for the database editing the file config/database.yml like this:

Create your database, migrate and/or seed it:

docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:create
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:seed

#protip: you can execute rails db:setup to run altogether.

Now your project is ready to run your app with PostgreSQL.

At last but not least important: Document your up and running process

Remember: the process is now partially automated due to the bundler cache, so everyone will need to run these commands to setup the project:

% docker-compose run --rm -u root web bash -c "mkdir -p /bundle/vendor && chown railsuser /bundle/vendor"
% docker-compose run --rm web bundle install

And, of course:

% docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:setup

And to run:

% docker-compose up web

You can create a README like this:

Or even a bin/setup:


Like I said in How to install Docker and docker-compose I have nothing in my machine itself.

But this is only one way to solve this problem. If you know any other way to use it (or if you prefer another) please comment below :)

