How to Build a Winning Remote-First Culture

Notchup Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2023

Hiring, people management, benefits, and technology recommendation

The tech and tech hiring world has changed over the past few years. The experts feel the change was imminent, but the pandemic speeded it up.

So, companies today are more complacent with remote working and hybrid-model of working or actively contemplating the pros and cons of it!

If you are someone who would love to participate in one such expert panel discussion, here is an excellent opportunity for you:

On January 31st, Safetywing will host a 1-hour live webinar with an expert panel from SafetyWing, Remote Pass, Agile HRO, and CodeMonk to discuss building a winning remote-first culture.

Workplace culture has become a hot-button topic over the last few years. We’ve seen more and more companies focusing on building a winning culture and an influx of new technologies that focus on building your culture. But what about a “remote-first” culture?

While we can all agree that the office's ping pong table and snack bar have very little to do with culture, the shift to remote-first has added an entirely new element to building a winning culture. The collective behaviors, the motivators, and the work styles of your employees are really what define your culture. But what affects that algorithm in a remote-first workplace?

To answer that question, we’ve invited experts for an unscripted conversation on the following culturally impactful items:

🤝 Ins and outs of borderless hiring
📈 Techniques to manage your remote employees
Must-have remote and borderless benefits
Expert remote and borderless tech-stack recommendations

Want to build a winning remote-first culture? Register Today!

Webinar on Remote-first Culture


  • Remote Pass
  • CodeMonk
  • Agile HRO
  • SafetyWing



How to register?

If you are interested in hearing experts from multiple industries discuss their views on remote culture and its future implications, click on the link to register:



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