The top 3 reasons for using vetted global IT talent for startups

Notchup Insights
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2022

Are the top IT professionals available to hire for your project? Or, have you gone through the vetting and verification procedure if you have already employed the tech specialists before onboarding them?

If the answer to the first question is “yes,” there are some great ways to employ the best international tech talent online. Now that you’ve answered “no” to the second question, it’s crucial to comprehend why vetting is essential to the recruiting process.

The necessity of talent vetting and verification

We are familiar with the recruiting process, which involves narrowing down the pool of applicants, selecting the top two or four, and finally hiring one. We are aware that the interviewing, speaking with, and testing processes all require a tremendous amount of effort and time.

But does it imply that you skip the last several processes and immediately onboard them? In your capacity as the recruiter in charge, have you ever done that?

Technical specialists also fall under this category. Before assigning them to work on your project, you need to have a procedure in place where you have all of their evaluations ready for them to complete.

Why? One of the main reasons is that every project your startup produces as deliverables is essential for its development. Later, let’s return to the basics of it.

In terms of the verification procedure, a straightforward document check is no longer sufficient. Future employment trends indicate that abilities will no longer be constrained by geographical limits. Recruiting talent at any time and anywhere is what we’re discussing.

In order to verify that our systems are perfect, we must redesign them such that everyone can understand how verifications function and what they signify.

Because of this, the vetting process may include more than simply talent assessment or document verification. We, therefore, require an effective, quantifiable verification procedure.

Three reasons why it is essential to check your talents

Would you employ a Java or NodeJS specialist based just on their resume? Obviously not! We examine candidates carefully in order to determine whether they are, in fact, the experts they represent themselves to be. This is why we do it, and we are aware of it.

You will also understand the bigger picture behind the screening process, though, if you give it some serious thought. For example, the following three reasons

1. Continuous and faultless work

A vetted talent guarantees in-depth expertise in the process, whether it be UI/UX designing, AWS, CSS, or anything else. The goal is to find a tech expert who can start working on the project right away and finish it with panache. A screening procedure can assist in identifying any deficiency in technical capabilities, ensuring perfect product delivery.

2. Enhances business through on-time deliveries

Client satisfaction inevitably benefits the business when deliveries are on time. When you have skills that can consistently yield the greatest results, half the battle is already won.

3. Compatible team for increased productivity

A thorough vetting procedure includes examining their technical expertise, psychometric testing, team dynamics, and other factors. You may get a team that is compatible and consequently extremely accountable for the product with such thorough screening.

All things considered, properly evaluating IT talent before hiring may offer far more than just a skilled developer to create your solutions. To handle the sophisticated nuances of your projects, CodeMonk provides vetted and verified tech experts from multiple industries.

CodeMonk’s vetting procedure

The CodeMonk verification process is demanding, but once completed, the IT talent has access to limitless prospects. In an effort to simplify matters for clients/employers and IT professionals, the CodeMonk platform offers comprehensive skills assessments, including:

Top skills

Top skill test depends upon a talent’s primary skills. For example, if a person is an expert in JAVA or a UI/UX designer, the test will check if they have the right skills to do the job. The level of expertise in each skill is then shown by a green, orange, or red check mark next to it.

Vetting process of CodeMonk

Soft Skills

Soft skills are just as important as technical knowledge. The tech talents on the platform are urged to take the tests to prove their skills and get vetted successfully.

Psychometric evaluations

Understanding the significance of teamwork and compatibility is as necessary as assessing a candidate’s skills. The psychometric tests are an effort to make it easier for employers to figure out how resourceful a tech talent is and how well they can do in any job.

Optional other tests

Many developers have more than one technical skill and can also do a good job with these other skills. The skill tests that are optional can give them a chance to try their hand at other technical areas of the project.

A thorough test of skills can help with the process of vetting. Since screening is an important part of any hiring process, CodeMonk requires all tech talent to go through the screening and verification process.

While companies like onboarding well screened candidates, technical specialists may undergo vetting only once to apply for many positions on the platform.

To learn more, sign in to CodeMonk.



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