Give Your Career a Boost in 4 Steps

Temidayo Adefioye
CodeNest Africa
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2022


It’s everyone’s dream to build a successful career, but only a very few people know how to achieve it. It is essential to know that it takes more than just working hard to build a career. Your career is the sum of the knowledge, skills, experiences, and network you’ve acquired over time. But just like Rome, a career is not built in a day.

The tech sector is constantly evolving. Your value in the space is either increasing or decreasing–there’s no standing still. So whether you are a mobile app developer, software engineer, product designer, or any other related tech role, you must be open and interested in developing your tech skills.

However, having the right skills is not enough to succeed in tech. You can’t access opportunities if you don’t market yourself well enough. Therefore, there’s a need to build a compelling portfolio that showcases your skills and takes the right steps to access opportunities. Regardless of your current career position, it is never too early or too late to “step up.”

Here are a few useful tips on how to give your career a boost and access opportunities in the tech space.

Know What You Want

Before you enter the world of tech, it’s essential to know what you want out of your career. The tech space is full of countless opportunities and interesting problems to solve.

Your options are endless, from system analysts and IT consultants to product managers and digital specialists. Think about what having an ideal job means to you. In the tech space, you could be: an independent programmer, working out of your apartment in a cozy city, or programming a social media site that’s making waves. On the other hand, maybe the ideal job is an early engineering role at a Fortune 500 company. The possibilities are endless!

Know what you want out of your career before you make any decisions. Chances are, you know more about your career than the next person. Take some time and reflect on all of the pros and cons of what you are doing right now. “What problem do I want to solve?” “What are the opportunities in it for me?” Ask yourself good questions and figure out your career goals. Have both short-term and long-term goals and create a plan for achieving them.

Also, develop a realistic list of priorities that will give you job fulfilment. It is a good time to examine your skill set and determine the role you’re fit for.


In the words of Jim Rohn once, “Your network is your net worth.” Your existing relationships determine your influence in your society, both professionally and personally.

Networking involves using the power of existing relationships to share expertise and opportunities. It’s all about connecting with people, building relationships, and raising awareness of business trends. Networking builds relationships, strengthens existing ones, and creates new opportunities in business. There can be a drastic change in your career after meeting the right person. Even if you’re not an extrovert, attending events, sharing your skills with others, and being open to feedback will help improve your professional career.

Fill your calendar with helpful events to expand your network. From meetups to conferences, find what’s right for you and help advance your career.

Develop Your Skills

To have a successful career in tech, you need to continuously improve your skills. If you’re a front-end developer, you can push yourself to become a full-stack developer. In your field of specialization, take steps to grow your skills. Take online classes, read books, and practice as often as possible.

Join Our Career Boosta Program

You don’t have to push your career alone. Joining Career Boosta will equip you with all you need to reach your career goals. Boosting your career requires more than having the skills. You need to build a portfolio and package your skillset to attract opportunities.

Career Boosta provides you with personalized resume reviews by tech experts and access to exclusive job postings. In addition, you’ll have a complete review of your LinkedIn and Github accounts and get it tailored to your desired opportunities.

Whether you want an international job that helps you relocate or a remote multinational job, Career Boosta will set you on the right path. You’ll land that dream job in no time.

Ready to take your career to the next level? Join Career Boosta

Final Take

Building a successful career in any area in tech requires intentionality. Just like everything else, it’ll take time and dedication to get there. You need to intentionally develop your skills, expand your knowledge, gain experience, build networks and maintain consistency. Register for online courses that will improve your skill, read books, attend training, conferences, and workshops and boost your career. Technical professionals need to keep learning throughout their careers to remain competitive, marketable, and valuable in the tech job market. Building your skills, experience, and network is essential to finding your dream job.

Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Codenest can help give your career the boost you need. Visit us today.



Temidayo Adefioye
CodeNest Africa

Founder, CodeNest Africa | [in]structor | Software Engineer | Speaker | Author