Making the Exception the Norm at CodeNow

Mike McGee
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2018

CodeNow is building a future where teenage developers, designers, and entrepreneurs are the norm, not the exception.

49% of our alumni are women and 89% of graduates are interested in pursuing a STEM-related major in college.

Why This Matters

Too many young people face obstacles to success caused by poverty, violence, and systemic inequities in education and employment. By giving teens access to software development training, exposure to mentors employed at tech companies, and practical steps to build a career path, we reveal to students a previously unknown and unavailable pathway to a brighter future.

Translation: These kids are already amazing, but adults create barriers for them to succeed. How about we stop blocking their opportunities and give them an chance to save the world?! #🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

At CodeNow, we’re creating an environment where teenagers can learn skills to solve problems they care about.

Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

Tria runs an education startup teaching kids how to code.

Wilfried now works full-time at GitHub.

Megan is learning how to solve problems with tech at Harvard.

Students like Wilfried, Tria, and Megan need our support to help them unlock their potential. Now’s your chance to make a real difference.

Visit to donate today.

Contribute to CodeNow’s $20K Before Super Bowl Sunday Campaign

We are looking to fundraise $20K by February 4 (Super Bowl Sunday). Achieving this goal will allow us to:

Run our 4-day immersive weekend technology workshops

Continue to support current CodeNow students & alumni through our online training curriculum

Launch hackathons in NYC, Chicago, and SF

CodeNow would not exist without individual contributions from people like you. Whether it’s $10, $100, or $1,000, every donation helps a student get introduced to the world of technology.

If you don’t have the ability to donate, here’s how you can help:

Do you know someone in the tech industry? Share this post with them.

Know someone that works in education and works with teenagers that want to learn how to build apps? Share this post with them.

Are you just a great person that has a lot of amazing friends who care about helping people? Share this post on your social network of choice.

With your help, we can build a world where there are no “one in a millions” or “special cases.” Just people using their abilities to create a more equitable world for generations to come.



Mike McGee

Managing Director, @CodeNow | Managing Editor, @Screen_Gods | Creator, This Week In Jams | @NorthwesternU Alum | Senior Tech Correspondent, @Vocalo